Music Key Stage 2 Autumn 1 2021

A wonderful start to a new school year! Musicians from Norfolk Music Service came and performed a concert for us, taking us through a flying tour of orchestral music from the last thousand years. Allowing children to see and hear instruments being played and gaining an understanding of how they work. Year 3 children watched in the hall while the rest of the federation joined remotely, through the wonders of video calling.

Year 3 pupils have been very excited to start learning to play the ukulele. They have learned a number of songs to practise different picking and strumming techniques and how to play the C major chord.

Children in Year 4 are very fortunate to have Ian Draycott from Norfolk Music Hub in teaching them how to play the steel pans! This will continue throughout Autumn Term so they get a great experience of ensemble playing with a music Specialist.

Year 5 have been sent back to the 80’s, rocking out to ‘Living on a Prayer’ and Year 6 have had the joy of ‘Happy’ – singing together in different parts and accompanying with melodies on the glockenspiels. So lovely to hear children singing in school again – it really hasn’t been the same without it.