13.9.22 Ian Gardner assembly – Harvest & Remembering the Queen

Ian Gardner from the Baptist Church paid us another exciting visit to talk to KS1 about harvest time and how the people of his faith celebrate. Ian showed the children four different types of soil, one with stones, one that was very thinly spread, one that was covered in thorns and one that was well cared for. With the help of some of the children, Ian explained how the seeds would grow and develop on the different soils. He related this to the teachings of God and his faith. The children loved acting out the different seeds and deciding how well they would grow. To close the assembly, Ian took a moment to remember Queen Elizabeth and spoke to the children about how important the Queen’s faith had been to her throughout her life. He explained how the Queen would always smile when she met new people and how that made people feel. He also spoke about how she dedicated her life to helping her country.