30.11.22 – Road Safety – Police Visit for KS1

The children in KS1 were excited to welcome an important visitor to their assembly this week from Watton police station.

Hazel spoke to the children about her role within the community and discussed the importance of road safety. She explained how at this time of year we have to be especially careful due to the dark mornings and afternoons whilst walking to and from school.

The children learnt how effective reflective clothing can be, looked at The Green Cross Code, and discussed the different reasons why a driver may not notice a pedestrian.

Two of the children helped Hazel to demonstrate crossing the road in a safe place and she also spoke about how to use our bikes safely.

At the end of the assembly Hazel let three pupils try on some of her uniform. The teachers were very proud of the way the children listened throughout and answered questions in such a mature way.