Music – Autumn 2 2021

Reception had a Bon fire night week and made their own firework music. The children learnt what it meant to be in an orchestra and have a go at lots of different percussion instruments. The children played along to Igor Stravinsky, The Firebird – Finale and watched their teachers closely, who were the composers to give them a sign to play loudly or quietly, exploring different pitches.

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On the 14th November Reception, children enjoyed taking part in Nursery Week. Every day for a week everyone got to listen to, discuss and enjoy different nursery rhymes and well known songs such as, ‘Twinkle Twinkle little star’, ‘5 Little speckle frogs’ and ‘BINGO’.

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For Christmas, the children practised singing and signing ‘Santa Shark’, ‘I’m a Little Snow Man’ and ‘We Wish You A Merry Christmas” and developed their performance skills.

In Music this half term the year 1  children focused on finding the beat in different types of music styles, whilst continuing to find the about pulse and rhythm in songs that they had learnt in Autumn 1. The children also concentrated on their listening and singing skills also performing such songs as Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Daisy Bells and Dancing Dinosaurs. 

Year 1 have also mastered the signs and lyrics to ‘Sing up it’s Christmas’, which they then performed during their activity morning to their grown-ups. 


In Year 2, the children have been focusing on dynamics and tempo. They have been thinking about the question, ‘How does music teach us about the past?’ whilst listening, singing, composing and performing. The children have learnt several different songs including, ‘Sparkle In The Sun’ and ‘The Orchestra Song’.

They have started to use the chime bars to play the notes in these songs too.

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As part of our Christmas celebrations the children have learnt the songs ‘Sing Up It’s Christmas’ and ‘Must Be Santa’ to perform to their parents during our Christmas Activity Morning. All the children enjoyed learning these songs along with the actions for the different lines

At the very end of term, the whole Federation was able to be part of the audience for a pantomime performed for us and other schools across Norfolk. This musical version of Peter Pan was thoroughly enjoyable and a wonderful way to end the term. Children from Reception right through to Year 6 enjoyed being part of this event and demonstrated their listening, singing and signing skills whilst enjoying the traditional and quite silly jokes!

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Here are some of the comments children made after seeing the panto!

Aubree – “I like hook singing the Moana song!”

Herbie –“I like the crocodile song. It was funny.”

Arabella – “I like the sound of the crocodile.Tick tock, tick tock.”

Chole – “I enjoyed when they sang the songs”

Georgia – “I enjoyed when the crocodile kept coming”

Archie – “I liked when they said “I think it’s an imposter”

Lexi – “I enjoyed it when they were dancing”
