World Book Day 2023 TJS

Thursday 2nd March was World Book Day. At the junior school we celebrated by enjoying all things “book related”.

Many of the children came in some amazing costumes, which we looked at in assembly. All the teachers shared their favourite books from their childhood; there was a wide variety from Narnia to picture books by Julia Donaldson.

Later in the morning, we were very fortunate to enjoy a live webinar with the children’s author Michael Morpurgo. He talked about what inspired him to become a writer and read some material we hadn’t heard before.

All the children received their Book Day £1 voucher to spend on a book of their choice from the special World Book Day collection.

World Book Day in Year 3, Spring 2, 2023

This year, we asked the children to dress up as a character from their favourite storybook and to bring their book in.

We enjoyed the assembly where we listened to Mrs Hughes introduce World Book Day and saw all the teachers dressed up in their world book day costumes which was very funny. All the teachers had chosen very different costumes!

In class, we used one of our reading techniques to ‘skim’ the text for interesting words as we were making our very own vocabulary dozen for our books.  We loved ‘skimming’ as it is a new technique we have been taught and we thought it was lots of fun. 

We were creating a story hat and were putting the vocab on bands across our heads.  Once we had chosen our 12 words, we drew the main characters from our books and placed these on our hats. 

Some of us, then chose four words from the vocab dozen to intersperse between our characters.

We had a great time. We really enjoyed bringing our books to life and sharing them with our friends.