Computing Spring Term 2023 – Juniors


Year 3

This term we have been building on the concept of sequence as ‘a set of instructions read from beginning to end’ whilst learning the fundamentals of the Scratch coding platform. We have opened example programs and explored how a sequence of blocks will make a Sprite move across the stage. Pupils have been writing a program to move a Sprite around a maze with arrow key inputs and they have worked hard to debug any errors in their sequence of code.

Year 4

In Year 4 pupils have explored how a repeating sequence of instructions can be grouped together and repeated several times as a loop. We then looked more deeply at different types of loops: infinite loops that run forever and count-controlled loops that run for a given amount of time.

Year 5

In Spring, Year 5 have been focusing on coding as well as using data bases. When coding, we used Scratch to make a questionnaire. The children worked with their partners to use condition and selection. When using databases, the children were able to filter data numerically, as well as alphabetically. They were able to search databases to filter data about mini beasts and dinosaurs. The children were able to explain that computer databases were much easier to sort as opposed to paper data bases.

Year 6

Year 6 have been working on Spreadsheets. We used MS Excel to input data, write formulas and copy the formula across to fill in cells. We have also used the data and formulas to complete different input and outputs from this.