PE Spring Term 2023


During the Spring term, the children in Reception have been focusing on skills such as throwing at a target, balancing on tiptoes, jumping rotations and hopping in different directions.

They have been practising these skills by using the ‘Action Mats’ and also by doing activities such as bowling.

The children have also been introduced to speed stacking and using the dice to find out how many of a certain exercise to do, such as star jumps.

Year 1

In year 1 PE, we have focused on several fundamental skills of movement using the Real PE scheme. We have focused on balance, starting with a static balance and developing this skill to completing it on equipment, which required not only balancing skills, but also determination concentration! The children then developed this skill, to balancing whilst walking on a straight line, imagining that they were on a tightrope!

During the second half of the spring term, the children moved their focus onto co-ordination and their ball skills. Their aim was to be in control of a ball, moving it around their body whilst sat down, and this developed onto them maintaining control whilst moving the ball up and down their bodies whilst standing.

In year 1, the children have also enjoyed a module on dance, choreographing their own dances and working together to dance, using Real Dance.

Year 2

Year 2 children have been exploring making standing and floor shapes to music. They have then worked with a partner and in a group to create a sequence of shapes which they can remember and repeat. We looked at how we could join the shapes with connecting movements and were then able to show our dances to the rest of the class.

The children have also been working on their balancing skills being able to balance along a line, on a bench and on a narrower beam. We have worked at improving our ball skills and coordination through controlling a ball as we move it about our bodies. This included some partner and group work where we demonstrated trick we could do and our group had to try and repeat them too.