RE Summer Term 2023


This term we have been looking at the continents of the world and learnt about many of the animals that live there. In RE we have listened to the story of ‘A special promise’ from the Bible and talked about how Noah was able to save the animals from a flood because God had instructed him to make a boat. We also linked this to our SAW activities and experimented with how much salt we needed to make something float, just like Noah’s boat did. 

Year 1

This term in RE, the children thought about how the universe was created. They learned about Christian and Hindu views and beliefs and used this to think about their own views on the universe. The children made pictures to show the different days in the Christian creation story and then made lotus flowers to represent the lotus in the Hindu creation story. The children took time to think about what the universe is made up of and looked carefully at the nature around them to appreciate the beauty of the world.

Year 2

This term, the children have recapped their previous RE learning by retrieving facts and ideas from their previous enquiry questions. They have also looked at a variety of religions as part of a philosophy focus, listening to videos from Ian Gardner and Marsha Parker about why people have different ideas of God. The children thought about morals, and if different scenarios were right or wrong, and thought about how they could be nice to each other in different ways. The children wrote notes to each other about what they liked about them, and why they were a nice person. They ended their RE learning this year by drawing their own Rangoli patterns on the playground!