Music Junior School Summer Term

A great term of Music at the Junior School including;

Ukulele Club continuing with their weekly meetings – now some very proficient musicians and really enjoying playing, ‘Rocking All Over the World’, ‘Octopuses Garden’ and ‘I’m Yours’ among others and very keen to start performing to an audience.

Toft-o-Vision song contest – our annual interclass singing competition. It’s really interesting to see how each class’s character comes out in their performance. A very close run competition this year, a big thank you to all the teachers for putting their hearts and souls into this!

Rock Steady lessons gaining momentum and culminating in a performance for the school!

Year 6 performances – A fabulous musical set around evacuees foiling a Nazi agent’s plot. Very impressive singing and acting from our oldest pupils.

Year 3

Children are now getting really confident with their ukuleles with many able to change fluidly between 2 and even 3 chords in the songs we’ve been playing. It’s lovely when you see that moment when children realise they are able to make music and really are musicians

Year 4

During this term, Year 4 have had a special visitor taking their Music lessons. Mr Draycott has been teaching us the djembe drums. We have learned how to strike the drums properly, using the whole palm for a bass sound and our fingers on the edge of the drum, for a tone sound. We have learnt different rhythms and have practised playing them singularly and at the same time. Layering the rhythms has been particularly tricky but great fun. We have also enjoyed Mr Draycott’s warm ups, the rhyme and the actions have us contorted! We will be continuing with this throughout the next half term too.

Year 5

In this term’s unit, we asked ‘How Does Music Connect Us with the Environment?’ as an entry point for the broad Social Theme of ‘Music Is a Nature Lover and Guardian of the Earth’. This is relevant to learning topics such as nature, environment, animals, geography, biology, art,

outdoor education. Children learned a number of songs and accompanied with glockenspiels with a particular focus on musical elements.

Year 6

Pupils really enjoyed working on their first YuStudio project ‘Spooky Stories’. This is a new feature within Charanga, giving children a chance to compose and arrange using computer sequencing software in very much the way professional producers do.

The children then had an introduction to Samba percussion. This really tests skills of listening and attention as the whole class need to react both to the ‘director’ and the other sections of the ‘bateria’, to stay in time. Especially when the different instruments are playing different rhythms! Very well done Year 6!