Autumn 2 – KS1 Rugby Festival

On Thursday 9th November, ten children from KS1 took part in a Rugby Festival at Crusaders Rugby Club. The children rotated around seven activities, learning how to pass the ball, weave in and out, listen to their teammates and show good teamwork. These activities were run by year 9 and 10 students from Neatherd High School.

All the children received a certificate and two children were given a special certificate to celebrate their passion that they had shown on the day, normally one child gets this certificate but it was too close to choose between them. Some of the children had never tried Rugby before but all were very excited to learn and showed great determination and perseverance. They had a great time and all agreed it would be a sport they wouldn’t mind trying again! Mrs Morton and Mrs Hartley were so impressed by the behaviour of the children who attended the trip!