MFL Autumn 2023

The Year 3, the children have been learning numbers, how to ask someone’s age and tell someone how old they are. They have added this to their knowledge of greetings and introductions to build up a simple conversation.

In Spanish in Year 4, the children have been learning the days of the week, months of the year and how to ask and answer about birthdays.

In Year 5, We have discussed diversity and created some posters displaying the importance of diversity and what it brings to our lives.  

We have also been continuing to refine our memory on talking about the weather in Spanish as well as using dictionaries to look at the gender of Spanish words. 

This half term in Year 6 we have been building on our knowledge of places in town by learning new vocabulary about methods of transport. We have applied this new vocabulary to forming sentences to describe how we can get around town. 

Toftwood has just made friends with a Spanish school in Madrid and every child wrote a letter to the pupils there, telling them about Christmas here and asking the Spanish children about the holidays in Spain (In English) The children were really excited about this and asked some great questions! They are looking forward to translating letters from their new pen pals and finding out their responses.