Federation School Council – Spring 2024

Improving Lunchtimes

Over the Spring term the School Council were busy discussing ways to improve lunchtimes across both schools. We each collected ideas and suggestions from our classmates and fed back in a meeting. We discussed which of these suggestions would be possible to implement and then put forward our ideas to Mrs Pedlow. We sent emails out to specific teachers and FOTS to help get them up and running.

Some of the suggestions put forward were:

  • Calming music to be played in the dinner halls.
  • New playground markings
  • Playground pals to wipe over wet benches as part of their role.
  • Alternative lunchtime clubs
  • Mixed age group playtimes across the Federation once a half term.
  • Junior Playground pals for Infants
  • Introducing ‘Quiet Play’ areas in the summer on the playground (picnic blankets and a box of resources such as colouring, card games etc).

Comic Relief – Red Nose Day 2024

To support ‘Red Nose Day’ this year the children of the School Council asked pupils and staff across the Federation to take part in a non-uniform day. They made posters for every classroom to advertise the event and also asked their peers to add the colour red to their outfit if they could.

During the day both schools discussed the work of the Comic Relief charity and took part in an assembly. Each class created a large Red nose for their classroom door and the School Council created a red nose scavenger hunt as a special treat for over lunchtime. Every child who took part received Dojo points when they had completed the hunt. The Infant children were very excited to have some Junior school council members helping them on their playground.

A huge thank you to everyone who donated to the Comic Relief charity. We raised a grant total of £450!