Music in Autumn 2 2017

The children in Nursery have been exploring how the CD player works and listening to different music and stories on there. They have also been playing the instruments in the outdoor area.

The children in Reception have been learning about ‘Celebrations’ this half term. When they were learning about fireworks, they spent some time listening to music about fireworks and using instruments to make their own music.  They watched an orchestra playing a classical piece called ‘The Firebird’ and talked about the different instruments they could see being played and the role of the conductor.  They talked about the music and how it changed from quiet to loud, and from slow to fast.

The children then had the opportunity to explore the instruments. They talked about what the instruments were all called and everyone was given an instrument to play.  They explored playing the instruments at different volumes, and playing a slow beat and a fast beat.  After they had finished working together many of the children continued to play and explore the instruments and how they could be used to make different types of sounds.

The children in Key Stage 1 have been busy rehearsing and performing their Christmas play and pantomime. Year One teamed up with the Reception children to perform ‘Baubles’ and the Year Two children have been putting together a pantomime, ‘Sleeping Beauty.’ All the children have worked incredibly hard to learn lots of new songs, actions and lines to perform to the rest of the school and their grown-ups.