PE Summer Term 2018

Nursery PE Summer Term

The Nursery children have been practising their climbing on the new pirate ship climbing frame that was installed in the Nursery outdoor area this term.

They have also been preparing for their Pre School Sports Morning with some practise races and setting themselves challenges like throwing the beanbags into tyres.


Reception PE Summer Term

Reception had a special visit from Mr Mann to teach us some rugby skills. They practiced holding the ball and running, and throwing it underarm, over arm and swapping from each side. They also got to practice kicking the ball and making tries.

Harry came in to teach us some football skills. Reception children practiced scoring goals whilst holding the ball and then had a go at dribbling. They had some magic dust sprinkled on our feet so the ball would stick to them and then had to try and score goals past the goalkeepers!

Year 1 PE Summer Term

Year 1 have busily been preparing for Race Day this term with some practise running and obstacle races. They have also been practising their rolling and retrieving skills through the real PE Program. Year 1 have also had time to learn a simplified version of Rounders. They have had to think about tactics for both fielders and throwers.

Year 2 PE Summer Term

This term in PE the children in year 2 have been working together on a range of team work activities. The children have been working on their communication. They have learnt different ways to communicate through various activities. The children really enjoyed these games and liked working together to solve problems. The children also have been working on their ball skills this term, building their control and accuracy when passing a ball.

Year 3 PE Summer Term

Year 3 have had a busy term in PE with swimming, tennis, Real PE and cricket! AH3 have had a great time swimming this term and the teachers have seen some great progress. JS3 and CT3 have been taking part in Real PE. In Real PE, we have focused on the skills of teamwork, balance and worked on our reaction times. All classes have also had a focus on cricket and tennis. The children have really enjoyed learning the basic skills in tennis, focusing on aiming and rallying with each other – they had lots of fun putting this all together at the end and playing a game. Cricket has been fantastic! We have had Brett Gates to teach us the skills to play a game of cricket. We have spent time focusing on aiming to help with our bowling skills, catching to help with fielding and in games we have been practicing some quick fire batting skills. We have seen some great teamwork and progression throughout the term.

Year 4 PE Summer Term

In PE this term, the children developed their ball skills through Real PE and on our unit on Kwik Cricket. The pupils really enjoyed working on improving their batting, bowling and fielding abilities. During this learning, they began to think more tactically about the fact that their team needed to work together to win the game. More recently, we have been focusing on athletics on a range of field and track events including: sprints, relays, hurdles, longer distance races, shot put and javelin.  All the hard work, culminated in a very successful race day where the children really impressed all the adults with the sporting behaviour and dedication to their class. As with all sporting events there had to be a winner and on this occasion congratulations to RB4.

Year 5 PE Summer Term

During this term, year 5 have been following real PE during one of their weekly PE slots. Not only are the children developing their physical skills but they are also becoming better all round athlete by working on their social and cognitive skills, making them better team players, and developing strategies.

Alongside these lessons, we have also done gymnastics, tag rugby, hockey and kick cricket.


Year 6 PE Summer Term

This term Year 6 have been doing some cricket, they have learnt to bowl and bat. They have also played diamond cricket as a team game, which they have enjoyed. During their other lessons, they either have been doing racing, for sprint races or relay.