Toftwood Federation Sports Fortnight

Toftwood Federation have enjoyed a very successful Sports Fortnight made even better by the fantastic weather! During this fortnight it is our aim to give all children in the Federation the opportunity to participate in a range of sporting activities. These include the traditional races and potted sports events but also visits and taster sessions from a range of sports enthusiasts and providers. It is a desire of ours, during these weeks, to give the children in our federation the opportunity to experience something ‘new’ with the possibility that they may decide to pursue that sporting activity in their out of school time.


The children in Years 1 and 2 were able to work with Mrs Yorke, a qualified Yoga instructor. She had written the children a poem and they were able to act the poem out in Yoga Poses.


Reception through to Year 2 were able to join in with some taster sessions provided by Matthew from Traditional Karate Fitness. They learnt special counting and the discipline involved in Karate.

If your child is interested in trying Karate contact: TKF

Hoola Hooping

EYFS and Years 1 and 2 learnt the skills involved in Hoola Hooping. They learnt the stance to adopt to keep the hoop around your waist. They also learnt how to spin it round their wrist, neck and legs. Even though it was a tricky activity for some also children showed great perseverance.


Miss Coombes was able to show the children in the Infants some of the basics involved in the sport of Allstar Cheerleading. They were able to learn some jumps and practised a very safe handstand drill. They were even able to try some stunting in small groups.

If your child is interested in trying cheerleading contact: East Coast Emeralds


Team Day

We enjoyed another successful team day with the infant children supported by the Sports Leaders and Mr Phillis from Northgate High School. The children were able to have a go at 20 different activities, trying to score as many points as possible for their team. Well done to all the children who took part, there was a great team spirit.


Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 held their annual Race Morning during Sports Fortnight. All children competed in 2 races and did brilliantly on a very warm morning.

Year 3 and 4

These year groups had an exhausting but fun few weeks enjoying Toftwood Sports Fortnight! The event kicked off with a visit from some of the students from Northgate High School. They taught the children lots of new activities from shotput to javelin with some hurdles and running too. The children got to try all of these out in small groups and had a great time doing it – the Northgate students were fantastic at supporting and helping our children out.

We also had a visitor in from Easton Shotokan Karate Association to give our children a taster session in Karate. They learnt some of the basic movements and how to count correctly alongside these. Finally, they had a very interesting discussion about when to use Karate and what it should be used for!

The Year 3 children also enjoyed some cricket sessions with Brett Gates from All Star Cricket. They started off learning the key skills of catching, throwing and teamwork within some exciting games. Then, they moved on to play some fast paced games where they used all of their skills and demonstrated some great batting and fielding teamwork. They had a lovely time!

The Toftwood Sport’s Fortnight was rounded off by a visit Neatherd PE teachers and Sports leaders who came in to run multi-skills sessions with the children focusing on ball skills. The pupils had great fun developing a range of skills requiring hand-eye coordination and agility. They particularly liked working with the older children, who were great role models.

American Sports for Year 6 

To finish off the weeks Year 6 had Mr Bell come to talk to them about baseball and basketball. Firstly he explained that he had grown up near Houston Texas and had grown up following baseball and basketball; he was a keen supporter of the Houston Astros. He told the children about the basic rules of baseball answering all their questions afterwards. The classes then went outside and did basketball; they learnt about bouncing then passing and shooting. We then split into mini teams and played a mini basketball match. The children certainly got a taste of both games and really enjoyed learning new skills from our American expert.


Sports day went smoothly at the Junior School, with all the children participating. They all cheered each other on and encouraged their team mates. There was a sprint race, a relay and an obstacle. We were really impressed by their cheerful attitudes the resilience shown by a few children who took some tumbles but got up to carry on the race.


The children enjoyed a taster session of Karate on 29th June where they learnt some high kicks and punches. They also learnt the importance of blocking.