Debate Club – March 2023

The Infant School Debate Club met this month for another exciting debate – ‘Computers are better than books’.

The session began with a discussion about what a debate is and what rules we might need in place to ensure that our debate runs smoothly. We looked at our British Values poster and discussed ‘Respect and Tolerance’. During our debate we agreed that everyone’s opinions would be listened to and whether we agree with them or not, as a group we would respect each other. Our debate question had no wrong or right answer.

The children got into two groups (for and against), discussed their ideas, and decided which ones they should use to get their views across. Once we started our debate the children took turns to speak and respond creating some interesting discussions, with some children confidently challenging their peers and swaying their opinion. The debate was so much fun and even carried on into the dinner hall!

For those children that could not attend the club they left their vote at the two voting stations in the KS1 corridor.

Here are some of the comments made during the debate. What do you think?

Computers are better than books

“No because I can’t take a computer to bed”. (Yr2)

One child said “Computers, because you can keep your past photos on them”. Another responded “But you could write a diary in a book or make a scrap book”. (Yr2)

“Computers are better because you can research on them”. (Yr1)

One child said “Computers light up so you can see them better”. (Yr1) Another responded “You could just use a light to read a book”. (Yr2)  

“You can collect books”. (Yr2)

One child said “Computers are bright and can hurt your eyes, books don’t hurt you”. (Yr2) Another responded “Yes they can, you can get a paper cut”. (Yr1)  A third agreed “I get travel sick when I read in the car”.(Yr1)

“Books are better because you can’t get hacked”. (Yr2)

One child said “If you spill water on a computer you can hurt yourself and it breaks”. (Yr1) Another responded “But if you spill water on a book it gets soggy pages and breaks”. (Yr2)

“Computers are expensive, not everyone can have one, books don’t cost as much”. (Yr2)

Infant Gardening Club – Spring 2023

The Infant School gardeners were keen to start up again this term, despite the cold, wet weather that seemed to be lasting forever! The children pulled on their wellies and gardening gloves to get stuck into weeding our raised beds and preparing them for the summer term.  Our garlic that was planted in the autumn is coming along nicely and we have planted up our potato planter with some early potatoes which we look forward to harvesting later in the year.

This half term we have all enjoyed the lovely daffodils that previous gardeners have planted in our flower bed. They have really brightened up our outside area and attracted lots of insects. We are starting to see blossom on our apple trees and on the Jubilee tree that was planted in the school grounds last summer. We can’t wait to get back outside in the summer term to plant up our wild flower bed.

Dance Club –Spring 2

For 6 weeks, 18 children from reception, year 1 and year 2 have come together for a dance club during Tuesday lunchtimes. They have helped to choreograph and learned a dance routine to the song, ‘Eye of the Tiger’ by Survivor.

In the last week of the spring term, the children performed their dance to the rest of the Infant School. Miss Clarke and Mrs Cudby were so proud of the children and pleased with the hard work that the children had put into their dance.

Animal Club – Spring 1

A group of children from Reception to Year 2 have been attending animal club every week on a Tuesday lunchtime.

Each week they have learnt about a different animal from Elephants and Pandas, to an Octopus and tree frog. They have also acted like the animal or completed animal crafts.

In the final week, they enjoyed making a poster about their own favourite animal.

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Film Club Spring 2023

A group of children from Reception to Year 2 have enjoyed attending a film club this half term. The children have been able to watch the film Dog Gone Trouble, and have enjoyed discussing the film as well as predicting what will come next at the end of each session. Some children even enjoyed role-playing some of the scenes from the film in their lunch time and break time play with other children from their year group. Flynn from DC2 particularly liked the squirrel dance scene!

The children at the end of the club completed a film review, talking about their favourite character, as well as their favourite scene.

Singing Club Autumn 2 2022

A group of children from Reception to Year 2 have been attending singing club every week during the second part of the Autumn term.

They worked hard to learn a variety of songs, including a Christmas song, which they performed in the KS1 singing assembly in the final week of term.

C:\Users\i.coombes\Downloads\singing club.jpg Well done everyone!

H:\Isobel NEW\22-23\Singing Club 2022.jpg

Lego Club

The children have loved being part of lego club this half term with Mrs Adams and Mrs Thompson. The children had to complete different challenges each week!

The children wrote their name in lego, made an interesting building and also had free-choice to make their own creations.

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P:\Photos for Evidence\Clubs\22-23\Lego club\IMG_2202.JPG

On our final day the children worked in groups of 3 to make a group tower. Mrs Adams and Mrs Thompson then measured the towers to see which group had made the tallest one!

This was the winning tower!

Autumn 1 2022 – Gardening Club at the Infant School

Gardening Club has spent lots of time weeding and tidying up the raised beds this Autumn with the help of Mrs Reeve. Over the past 7 weeks we have admired the last of our sunflowers, harvested our squashes, and planted some winter pansies to brighten up the empty vegetable beds. The next task was to pick the apples and pears in our growing orchard area. There was lots of fruit and the trees seem very well despite the hot summer we have had! 

To finish gardening club for 2022 we planted garlic (which are already starting to grow) and added more spring bulbs. The children have worked so hard this half term and have enjoyed watching our little garden area change week on week.

Time for a rest before the Spring time is upon us once again!

Summer 2 2022 – Infant School Gardening Club

The last few weeks of term have been a busy time for the Infant Gardening Club. We have been planting out lots of summer flowers, tending to the watering and weeding on a weekly basis, and watching our runner beans, onions, potatoes and garlic grow!

As we were coming to the end of the school year, we were very excited to see that our early potatoes were ready to harvest along with the onions and garlic. The children carefully gathered everything in and divided it up. Once again, a big thank you goes out to Mrs Reeve who comes into school each week as volunteer to help us and give us gardening advice. We also awarded a ‘Top Gardener of the Year’ certificate for amazing dedication and hard work to the school gardens.