Black History Month

Over the last three weeks we have been celebrating Black History Month. Here are some of the activities that have taken place across the Federation.

Reception – In Reception we have been learning about some amazing people in our history. We enjoyed reading Mo Farah’s “Ready Steady Mo” and learning about his amazing achievements at the Olympics. We looked at some iconic music created by black artists and learned the sign for dancing when listening to Martha & The Vandellas “Dancing in the Streets”. We also had a go at dancing to Bob Marley’s classic hit ‘Three Little Birds’.

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Year 1 and year 2 started learning about Black History Month by discussing the importance of treating everyone equally during an assembly. We looked at our PATHS rule ‘Treat others the way you want to be treated’ and talked about the importance of British Values.

Year 1- We enjoyed dancing to Martha & The Vandellas “Dancing in the Streets” and Nina Simone’s “Young Gifted and Black”. We were inspired by the story of the Olympic athlete Mo Farah and enjoyed watching videos of his races. We also learnt about Daniel Hale Williams who was was an African-American surgeon who founded the first non-segregated hospital in the United States in 1891, as well as completing the first successful heart surgery.

Year 2 –In year 2, we have been learning about the lives of Martin Luther King Jr and Rosa Parks as part of our learning in black history month. The children have discussed how black people were treated in the past and how much it has changed thanks to the actions of people like Martin Luther King Jr and Rosa Parks. We also explored some modern day heroes like Mo Farah, Stevie Wonder and Stormzy.

Year 3 School Trip Autumn 1 2023

Autumn 1 2023, Year 3 School Trip

On Wednesday 11th October, Year 3 visited the Norwich Cathedral and participated in their Sacred Science programme of study. We explored different aspects of Science and learnt all about the history of why the cathedral was constructed. We re-capped our geographical learning with compass points and absorbed the magnificence of the cathedral as a historic building.

As part of our current Science unit: Forces, we explored how effective the force of gravity was in the construction of the cathedral during William the Conqueror’s reign. We used the medieval mason’s template to re-create an archway. We worked together beautifully to create our arches, we displayed determination, resilience and perseverance which enabled us to be successful medieval stonemasons.

As part of our upcoming Science unit: Light, we also explored Opaque, Translucent and Transparent materials. We discussed how our bodies block the sun, causing shadows.

We examined the effect of stained glass on light. Exploring the translucent qualities that create the vibrant colours of the cathedral windows. We compared the stained glass windows with the clear glass of the modern section of the cathedral and observed that it was transparent.

We all had the opportunity to create our own stained glass window, with opaque and translucent materials. We explored depth of colour and during the process we explored the effect of light on our own creations. The work was amazing and we are creating a year group display of them.

After learning so much new information, including that the cathedral has its own cat: Budge, we left at the end of the day able to talk about our fabulous experience.

Pupil quotes about the day:

“I loved going to the cathedral because we learned more about Forces which is our Science topic.” Emmy-Mae

“I liked making the stained glass windows because they were really colourful. It showed us how the stained glass is translucent.” Anni and Alice.

“I loved being in such an old building and knowing people still go to pray today.”

“I really liked learning about how the windows tell a story.” Kendra

“I liked learning about gravity because I didn’t know what it was.” Elliott

Science Autumn 1 2023

Year 3

This half term we have been learning about Forces and Magnets. The children started their learning by classifying whether objects were magnetic or non magnetic. Using bar magnets the children observed what happened when the same poles on two magnets were placed together and when different poles were placed together. We learned the vocabulary attract and repel to describe what happened. Using a selection of magnets the children carried out an experiment to see which magnet was the strongest. We made a prediction at the start and after displaying the results on a bar graph we decided whether our predictions were correct.

We then moved on to learning about push and pull forces, the children acted out a force for the class to guess which they were!

Our final experiment saw the children deciding which material had the greatest friction. Discussions were had to decide how to make the experiment a fair test. Our recent trip to Norwich Cathedral was the perfect way to introduce our next topic – Light! 

Year 4

In Science, our topic has been States of Matter, the children have been very enthusiastic about the experiments and particularly enjoyed melting different solids (even if it did make some of them hungry). They have enjoyed demonstrating their understanding of how solids, liquids and gasses move and how they can change state when heated or cooled. We ended the topic by exploring the water cycle and the children loved learning the water cycle rap and even making up their own dance moves!

Year 5

During Autumn 1, Year 5 have been studying the topic of Space.  

We began this topic by working in groups to sort evidence cards into groups. We decided whether then card supported the idea that the Earth was spherical or that the Earth was flat. We then summarised our findings as a class. 

Year 5 then moved on to look at the movement of Earth and other planets in relation to the sun. We conducted our own shadow investigation demonstrating the spinning of the Earth. We carried out an observation over time and made predictions about how we thought our shadow may change over the day. Once an hour over the school day we went out to the playground and observed how our shadows have changed by drawing around them using chalk. We then discussed our findings at the end of the day and linked them to the use of sun dials.  

From our knowledge gained from the shadows experience in the following lesson we could begin to explain day and night. We used globes and torchers to recreate the day and night effect.  

Year 5 have also looked at the movement of the moon and created their own research page using tablets. Finally we found out about Galileo and his work on pendulums before making our own pendulums and writing up our findings. 

Year 6

We started year 6 by learning about animals, including humans. We learnt about the circulatory and digestive systems and carried out an investigation into how exercise affects our heart rate. We found that after 2 minutes continuous exercise our heart rates speeds up to help oxygen reach our organs more quickly. We also learnt about how to live a healthy lifestyle, including diet and exercise. Over the course of a week, we did regular exercise each morning to see if this helped us to be more alert during our lessons. Most of us found that we did find it easier to concentrate in our morning lessons after five minute jog or continuous exercise.

Autumn 1 2023


The Autumn term has seen the start of a new Federation School Council. Children across the federation volunteered for the positions of class representative. Each class voted for their chosen candidate.

In years 6 and 2 the children took part in a separate School Council hustings process. From year 6 a Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary needed to be elected to run the School Council for the coming year, and year 2 took part in voting for a Vice Chairperson.

Each of the candidates were asked to make a speech to their classmates and all the children were given the chance to vote in the election using ballot papers. During this process we discussed the importance of democracy, one of our British Values.

Congratulations to our elected members for their excellent public speaking. Our Chair Person spoke about how he has had lots of help from adults in school during his time here and he now wants to help other students and make it the best it can be. He wants to help others and make sure no one is left out. His qualities include being a good listener and will think things through for the best possible outcome.

During our first meeting the school council discussed the possible name for our new federation reward system. We have asked classes to vote from the shortlist below:

Toftwood Tokens, Excellence Points, Merit Tokens

All of the children were invited to submit ideas for the rewards, which they will get once they have received 10 ‘points’ or they can bank them to work for a 20 points reward. Points will be awarded for the above and beyond behaviours, or overcoming a particularly difficult challenge. Here are the ideas the children came up with:

Rewards for 10 points

  • Basketball at lunchtime with 3 friends
  • Bring your toy or stuffed animal to school
  • Colouring outside or in the hall
  • Football in the Smooga at break with three friends
  • Have a draw with Rob
  • Lunch time with your teddy
  • Maths challenges

Rewards for 20 points

  • Climbing frame with 3 friends
  • Disco with the disco ball
  • Going to Reception for an hour to help
  • Library lunch with friends
  • Lunch on a special table in the hall with 3 friends
  • Lunch with your brother or sister
  • Lunch with your favourite adult

Voting for Infant Lunchtime Clubs 2023-24

During the first half of autumn term the infant school council have been busy discussing lunchtime clubs. The teachers at Infants decided to let the children have the final say into the types of clubs that they would like to have over the coming year. As a council we looked through the list from last year and discussing the practicalities of each club. The children then voted for their preferred choices. Some of the clubs included in the final list were:

  • Lego Club
  • Film Club
  • Dance Club
  • Singing Club
  • Nature Club
  • Treasure Hunt Club
  • Mindfulness Club
  • Summer Sports club
  • Art Club

The teachers will run these throughout the year alongside some of our existing clubs and various sports clubs that coincide with trips and events.

Recycling in our Federation

During the last meeting of Autumn 1 the children in the school council discussed ways to improve recycling within our Federation. The children talked about how our bins can be used properly and raising attention to this through creating new posters to go up around the classroom, along with conducting a special assembly for their peers.

The council took a feedback sheet back to their classes to discuss any other ideas with their class. Some classes have voted in a ‘Litter Monitor’ to check the bins at the end of the day. The council will report back in the first meeting of Autumn 2 on how this is going and whether we can role this idea out in every class.

Year 2 – English Autumn 1

The children have worked very hard in English this half term. We have focused on different texts including Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett.

When we read the Meerkat Mail book as a class, the children were very excited to discover that Sunny the meerkat had visited our classrooms! The children wrote some independent postcards in role as Sunny. They wrote about where they had visited, as Sunny, and what they enjoyed about their trip. The children also wrote missing posters and letters to help find Sunny when he went missing!

We learnt about meerkats using information videos, and then the children used this information to create a two-page spread poster. We included scientific facts and vocabulary as well as a labelled diagram of a meerkat.

Year 1 – English Autumn 1

The children have really worked hard this half term. We have focused on writing sentences by remembering to include capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. They have enjoyed reading texts like Here We Are by Oliver Jeffers and The disgusting sandwich by Gareth Edwards. The children read the story of The Disgusting Sandwich and we linked this to our DT learning this half term. By the end of the writing unit the children had designed, made and evaluated their own sandwich with two fillings, written the instructions to make their delicious sandwich and created a one-page spread advertisement to entice a customer to want to buy their product! The children thought carefully about the description, a slogan and an appealing picture of their product.

The children also wrote a recount based on their visit from Wycomb Pastures Petting Farm which was linked to their topic of Animal Life. They learnt about using time adverbials and writing in the past tense.

Reception – English Autumn 1 

The reception children have been so busy in their first half term at school! They have been familiarising themselves with their new learning environments both inside and outside and have been getting stuck into all the mark making and writing opportunities that are available. 

They have started daily phonics lessons and have began learning the single sounds through stories, actions and songs. 

Reception have also started the story scribing process and many of the children have been using their imaginations to come up with ideas to write their own story. They have also been creating registers, menus and labels for around the classroom. Some children have been writing a few initial sounds in their stories and practicing to write their name. 

RE throughout Autumn…

Year 3

Our theological focus this half term has been the Christianity and the Creation story.  We have thought about what it teaches Christians and how it shapes their values.  We have also compared the Christian Creation story to the Jewish Creation story in our learning.

Year 4

This term in RE we have been answering our big question “What difference does being a Muslim make to daily life?”. The children have explored the concept of the 5 pillars of Islam and the Islamic festivals, Eid and Ramadan. 

We have learnt about the diversity within the religion and the children enjoyed watching videos about how different Islamic countries have a variety of traditions.

Year 5

During autumn 1, Year 5 have studied Humanism and their beliefs. They have carefully considered what a Humanist is. In addition to this, they have understood that Humanism believe in three main things: science, logic and reason. After, the children answered our ethical enquiry question of ‘Is life a journey and do Humanists believe it ever ends?’.

Year 6

This half term we have combined our RE with our history to look at the treatment of Jews during World War 2 and the Holocaust. Our question was: How can belief in God help people in times of trouble?

We started off by reminding ourselves of the main beliefs of Judaism and its history. We then learnt about the treatment of Jews by the Nazis and some of the words of comfort and encouragement that are found in the Old Testament of the Bible. After this we learnt about the attitude of Anne Frank and how her faith in God helped her to keep strong while she was in hiding. Finally, we wrote a response to our question, referring to our lessons, and added how we find strength when we are going through hard times.

Art Autumn 1 2023


In reception we have been exploring the creative areas to make lots of artwork. We have also been working on explaining what we have made and have practised sharing our knowledge of how to make things with others. We have been working hard at practising our safe scissor skills and using our imaginations to create with purpose. During our harvest morning we created hedgehogs using paint and fork

Year 1

The children have been learning about their favourite animals this term as part of their topic learning. They chose their favourite animal and used a photo of the animal to draw their own. They looked at the different shapes they could see and thought carefully about the sizes of the animals different body parts. They then painted their animals, thinking selectively about the colours they chose.

Year 2

In Autumn the children have designed and created their own medieval shield. The children thought carefully about the colours that they would use for their shield, many using typical Nordic colours such as gold, yellow, green. They then added their own icons to their shield, they did this by creating a stamp which they stamped onto their painted shield. The results were great!

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PATHS – Summer Term 2023

Reception & Year 1

Over the summer term Twiggle the turtle and his friends have helped the children in reception and year 1 to discuss lots of common feelings and emotions that they may experience at home and at school. Over the term they have covered ‘comfortable feelings’ such as pride, love and feeling generous, along with some ‘uncomfortable feelings’ such as tiredness, frustration, disappointment, jealousy, guilt and feeling worried.

During each lesson the children have listened to the stories and scenarios that Twiggle and his friends have found themselves in. They have discussed their own experiences of these feelings, how it has made them feel inside, and how they have reacted. Together the children have looked at ways to help control some of these feelings and also how to help others around them.

“I was proud of myself when I went through the dark maze at Pensthrope as I’m scared of the dark”. Yr1

“Even when my mummy gets cross with me I know she still loves me”. Yr R

“I get jealous when a friend has what I want”. Yr R

“Jealousy makes you feel like your problem has just expanded”. Yr1

“Jealousy can make your heart beat fast”. Yr1

“Do ‘Turtle’ to give yourself time to be sad”. Yr1

“You can count to 5 if you are feeling worried”. Yr R

Year 2

Into the summer term the children in year 2 continued to discuss their understanding of ‘manners’. The children role-played different scenarios, showing rude responses as well as the correct polite response to the situation. The children came up with phrases they could use in each scenario such as thank you and excuse me.

During the summer term the children also discussed the differences between ‘uncomfortable’ and ‘comfortable’ feelings looking at pride, feeling ashamed, frustration and feeling bored. Once again the children used role play and stories to explore these feelings and responses through a set of scenarios. The children also made ‘Fair Play Rules’ posters whilst thinking about friendship.