School Council Summer 2023

Summer 2023 – Road Safety & End of Term Activities

Over the Summer term the Federation School Council have been busy discussing how safe the roads are around our schools, and what we can do to make people more aware of potential hazards. The children decided to make posters that could be laminated and displayed on the school fence for the general public to see as they parked.

The children discussed not parking on the yellow zig zags, reducing speed and crossing at the designated crossing. The final posters looked wonderful and will be displayed in the Autumn term.

The last job of the year for our Federation School Council was to create a list of ideas for end of year treats for their classes. The children took the list back to their own class and held a vote.

Below are the treats the year groups voted for. A lovely way to end a busy year.

Reception – Year group disco and classes voted for their favourite song

Year 1 – Year group disco

Year 2- Class film and year group art day

Year 3- Class film

Year 4- Class film and a sing along session

Year 5- Disco, film and an afternoon with the outside sport equipment

Year 6- Class film

SAW Week 2023

In Reception we have been exploring oceans around the world. Throughout our topic this half term we have looked at different habitats including deserts, rainforests, tundras, grasslands and oceans. When learning about oceans we looked at the Great Barrier Reef and looked at how to keep the ocean clean and protect the wildlife that lives in it. We discussed the importance of recycling and looking after our planet Earth. We also learned the names of sea creatures, found out facts about them and used the small world sea creatures to create underwater stories using our imaginations. We then created some ocean artwork using different techniques such as collage, painting, printing, threading and drawing. We also conducted a science experiment where we discovered that ocean water is salty and this can effect on whether things float or sink. We predicted and then experimented to see what would happen to different objects in water with no salt, a little salt and a lot of salt.

This year for SAW week, the year 1 children made friends with trees! First, they learned about the different types of trees. They found out the deciduous trees lose their leaves and evergreen trees stay green all year round. The children then matched trees to their leaves. They found out about the tallest tree in the world and walked across the fiend the length that it would be if it were laying down.

Next, the children created a year group tree by collecting bark rubbings and then making leaf rubbings and placing them all down together in the hall.

Finally, the children wrote a poem about trees and leaves in the shape of a leaf!

In Year 2 the children have explored different insects that live in habitats around Norfolk. The children started by researching an insect of their choosing, either a swallowtail butterfly, Norfolk hawker dragonfly or a pond mud snail. The children used fact files to find out all sorts of different information about the insects.


They then wrote their own cinquain poem all about their insect. They were able to follow the rules of this new poetry type, and retrieve what they knew about a similar poem type of diamante poems.


Finally the children created their own insect using a collage technique. They started by sketching their design and then filled the image with all different textures and colours. The children even created their own background habitat for their insect.


Year 3  

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As part of SAW week, Year 3 researched dinosaurs and wrote a haiku based on our artwork. We also created a beautiful sunset silhouette for our dinosaurs using a watercolour wash. Following that, we created a dinosaur skeleton ‘X-ray’ using white art straws on a black background. 

Year 4  

Year 4 had such fun during SAW week. First, we looked at some fascinating close-up images of yeast cells. We used scrunched up newspaper and shaped them into the shape of a yeast cell. We then covered the yeast structure in PVA glue and tissue paper so it looked like the false-colour images we had seen.  


On our second day, we learned that yeast eats sugar and produces carbon dioxide. We wanted to test this, so poured dried yeast, water and sugar into a bottle. We used a balloon to test whether any carbon dioxide was being produced. The balloon inflated, showing us that yeast produces carbon dioxide! 


On our third day, we wanted to write a poem about what we have learned, seen and smelled about yeast!   

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Year 5

This year, Year 5’s theme for SAW week focused on Greenhouse Gases.

For science, we learnt about the two main gases that make up the air around us (Nitrogen and Oxygen). The children now understand that carbon is in all living things – including themselves, which they found interesting! After we discussed the different types of gases in our atmosphere, we conducted an experiment. This explored the difference between the effects of a melting iceberg and the melting of glaciers on land to explore the relative effects on sea level rise. The children ensured that they kept the test fair by measuring the water and ice cubes, which made good links with our recent maths unit. Our findings revealed that the tub with the ice cubes that were placed on land saw the greatest sea level rise while the other did not rise. This is because glacier ice is mostly sitting on land, so when it melts it runs into the sea, causing the sea level to rise.

For art, we made a 3D model of planet Earth using papier-mâché. The children absolutely loved this activity! After they dried, the children added the different continents onto their planets.

During our writing session, Year 5 published some outstanding poems all about Planet Earth. Some children opted to write a haiku poem, free-verse poem or an acrostic. We were really proud of the final product, well done!

Year 6 

As part of the year 6 SAW project, we looked at the adaptations of marine creatures and the ocean as an environment. 

We started off by learning the names of the oceans of the world and thinking about the negative impact that human behavior has had on our ocean habitats, such as coral reefs. We discussed pollution within our oceans and what we can do to make a difference. We learnt amazing facts about sharks – did you know that they actually don’t have a skeleton? We produced some posters to persuade people to look after our sharks and protect their species. Following this lesson, we learnt about the different layers of the ocean and the creatures that live in each one and created a collage to display this information.  
We then looked at aboriginal art and how they created wonderful artworks based on wht they saw around them. The children really enjoyed drawing their own animals and then painting them using the dotting techniques seen within this artistic movement.  

The children in year 6 all thoroughly enjoyed their week and were more aware of the oceans as ecosystems on our planet, and the threat they are under. 



Science Summer Term 2023

Year 3

This term, we have been learning about Plants and observed over time the experiment of planting bean seeds in soil, sand, and just water. We then observed the changes each week and recorded these observations over time on a table.  At the end of the experiment, we planted the beans plants outside and we have been studying a biology unit – ‘Animals including Humans’. We have learnt about different types of skeletons in animals including comparing human and animal skeletons. We have become budding doctors, learning the names of major bones and muscle groups.

Then we moved on to nutrition, studying what is needed for a healthy diet, the names of food groups plus how to examine food packaging. We were very surprised at the nutritional content of some of our favourite fast food items!

Year 4

In Year 4, children have been learning about classification an habitats. We have looked at why we might need to classify living things into different categories. The children have also looked at how animals are well suited to the environment they live in – their habitat. They discovered how changing habitats could pose a danger to the living things within them and how we can better protect living things.

We then moved on to look at our teeth and digestive system. The children loved learning about all of the organs in the digestive system. They created some excellent piece of writing to describe how food moves through our bodies! We also conducted an experiment to see how different drinks can affect our teeth. The children used eggs, as the eggshells resemble the enamel on our teeth.

Year 5

Year 5 enjoyed going on a visit to Sculthorpe Moor, near Fakenham where they were able to add to their prior learning about living things and their habitats in Summer 1. They participated in pond dipping, learning to identify what they had caught. A walk through the Carr area linked nicely to the Broads environment work too. They also made observations of birds, in the hides and identified them too. Bug hunting was also an exciting challenge for them. Observing, classifying, grouping and identifying are important scientific skills.

Summer 2 followed on with animals including humans, where we looked at timelines, babies and their growth and development, puberty and old age; this also reinforced our learning in RSE.

Year 6

Year 6 have been studying Living things and their habitats as well as Electricity this term.

Within Living things and their habitats, the children have looked to classify animals through the animal’s characteristics and learning about and how to use the Linnaean system. 

Our electricity work was also cross-curricular with our History topic and after learning about how to create a simple lighting circuit. We investigated how differing voltages can affect the brightness of a bulb. Using this we looked for patterns in correlation to the number of cells used to the number of batteries. After adding a switch to these circuits, we then created a lighting circuit that could be used in our Reproduction Anderson Shelters that could provide light (but not too much) when our doors were closed if there was an air raid warning. 

PE Summer Term 2023


During the summer term, Reception have been practising their races on the race track. They have practised running races and obstacle races and learning how to support and encourage their classmates. They have also taken part in team games, using the parachute, yoga sessions and tackling the adventure playground.

Year 1

The year 1 children have been focusing on the Health and Fitness cog in Real PE this term and have been using their agility to develop their ball chasing. They have also enjoyed preparing for race day completing some athletics whilst practicing running and obstacle races, as well as completing some fun PE related activities like using the apparatus in the hall and completing yoga during Sport Enrichment Week.


Year 2

The children in year to have been practising their sending and receiving skills this term. They had to roll a ball then chase after it, getting in front of the ball to stop it effectively. They then worked with partners so their partner rolled the ball and from the same starting position as their partner they had to chase then get in front of the ball. The children practised this with big balls then smaller balls when they were more confident. Finally the children who were receiving the ball had to start from a seated or laying down position.

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PE Spring Term 2023


During the Spring term, the children in Reception have been focusing on skills such as throwing at a target, balancing on tiptoes, jumping rotations and hopping in different directions. 

They have been practising these skills by using the ‘Action Mats’ and also by doing activities such as bowling. 

The children have also been introduced to speed stacking and using the dice to find out how many of a certain exercise to do, such as star jumps. 

Year 1

In year 1 PE, we have focused on several fundamental skills of movement using the Real PE scheme. We have focused on balance, starting with a static balance and developing this skill to completing it on equipment, which required not only balancing skills, but also determination concentration! The children then developed this skill, to balancing whilst walking on a straight line, imagining that they were on a tightrope!

During the second half of the spring term, the children moved their focus onto co-ordination and their ball skills. Their aim was to be in control of a ball, moving it around their body whilst sat down, and this developed onto them maintaining control whilst moving the ball up and down their bodies whilst standing.

In year 1, the children have also enjoyed a module on dance, choreographing their own dances and working together to dance, using Real Dance.

Year 2

Year 2 children have been exploring making standing and floor shapes to music. They have then worked with a partner and in a group to create a sequence of shapes which they can remember and repeat. We looked at how we could join the shapes with connecting movements and were then able to show our dances to the rest of the class.

The children have also been working on their balancing skills being able to balance along a line, on a bench and on a narrower beam. We have worked at improving our ball skills and coordination through controlling a ball as we move it about our bodies. This included some partner and group work where we demonstrated trick we could do and our group had to try and repeat them too.

Geography Toftwood Junior

Year 5 have been studying recycling and the environment with cross curricular links with DT and history. We started by considering recycling in the past; Victorian finds, war years, through to the present day.

We have looked at the use and misuse of plastics where we have considered sustainability. In DT we communicated our concerns for plastics in the ocean, by creating sewn wall hangings.

We have also included new content to our curriculum where we have been finding out about renewable and non- renewable energies.

Music Infants School Summer Term


Reception children have been listening to sounds heard in a rainforest and guessing jungle animal sounds, as part of their topic in summer 2. They joined in with the song “Down in the jungle”. During independent learning time, some children also created their own musical instruments using props in the water tray.

Year 1

In music this half term, the children have continued to learn to find the beat and pulse. They have enjoyed moving their bodies to the music and have learned new songs. The children especially enjoyed singing along to ‘Alice the Camel’ and ‘Ten Green Bottles’. They were able to use percussion instruments to play along to the beat of the music.

Year 2 Summer 1

During Summer 1 each Year 2 class had the opportunity to learn how to play the ocarina. The children learnt how to hold the ocarina and how to blow into it correct so it doesn’t squeak! They also learnt the notes D, B and G. They have learnt how to play songs using these notes and performed them confidently. All the children really enjoyed learning to play this instrument and many commented it was their favourite part of their music learning this year!

Music Junior School Summer Term

A great term of Music at the Junior School including;

Ukulele Club continuing with their weekly meetings – now some very proficient musicians and really enjoying playing, ‘Rocking All Over the World’, ‘Octopuses Garden’ and ‘I’m Yours’ among others and very keen to start performing to an audience.

Toft-o-Vision song contest – our annual interclass singing competition. It’s really interesting to see how each class’s character comes out in their performance. A very close run competition this year, a big thank you to all the teachers for putting their hearts and souls into this!

Rock Steady lessons gaining momentum and culminating in a performance for the school!

Year 6 performances – A fabulous musical set around evacuees foiling a Nazi agent’s plot. Very impressive singing and acting from our oldest pupils.

Year 3

Children are now getting really confident with their ukuleles with many able to change fluidly between 2 and even 3 chords in the songs we’ve been playing. It’s lovely when you see that moment when children realise they are able to make music and really are musicians

Year 4

During this term, Year 4 have had a special visitor taking their Music lessons. Mr Draycott has been teaching us the djembe drums. We have learned how to strike the drums properly, using the whole palm for a bass sound and our fingers on the edge of the drum, for a tone sound. We have learnt different rhythms and have practised playing them singularly and at the same time. Layering the rhythms has been particularly tricky but great fun. We have also enjoyed Mr Draycott’s warm ups, the rhyme and the actions have us contorted! We will be continuing with this throughout the next half term too.

Year 5

In this term’s unit, we asked ‘How Does Music Connect Us with the Environment?’ as an entry point for the broad Social Theme of ‘Music Is a Nature Lover and Guardian of the Earth’. This is relevant to learning topics such as nature, environment, animals, geography, biology, art,

outdoor education. Children learned a number of songs and accompanied with glockenspiels with a particular focus on musical elements.

Year 6

Pupils really enjoyed working on their first YuStudio project ‘Spooky Stories’. This is a new feature within Charanga, giving children a chance to compose and arrange using computer sequencing software in very much the way professional producers do.

The children then had an introduction to Samba percussion. This really tests skills of listening and attention as the whole class need to react both to the ‘director’ and the other sections of the ‘bateria’, to stay in time. Especially when the different instruments are playing different rhythms! Very well done Year 6!

Computing Summer Term 2023

Year 1

This term, Year One have been creating our own e-books. The children have been using Purple Mash’s ‘2Create a Story’ feature to write and illustrate their own story. Firstly, the children created their characters and typed out their sentences. Then they animated their characters so that they could move as the story was read. The children also added sounds to bring their stories to life.

Year 2

This half term the children have focused on using technology to manipulate digital photography. The children have explored taking photos on their tablets and have done so for a variety of different stills/scenes. They have completed a photography bingo and have taken selfies, close up photos, action shots and pictures of landscapes. We spoke about taking landscape and portrait pictures. See some of the photographs they have taken below!

The children have also been discussing copyright/ownership, and how we have to have permission to share things online. We have spoken about what can, and cannot be shared.

Computing Summer Term 2023

Year 3

In the Summer term, Year 3 have covered stop-motion animation and branching databases. The Year 3s loved taking a sequence of pictures

To make a branching database, pupils first learned how to ask specific yes/no closed questions. We then looked at the characteristics that we could sort our data into. Pupils then created a paper branching database where they physically sorted pictures of animals with different characteristics such as diet, colour or habitat. Finally pupils transferred this branching database to our online software on J2E.

Year 4

We have been learning digital photo editing and using an online software called We have loved learning how to upload a photo, crop an image and change filters to make it look really interesting!

Year 5

The children enjoying using micro:bits, which is a small device that can be plugged into a laptop. The children have learned to write algorithms to programme the micro:bit, in order to get an output in the micro:bit in the form of a LED display, or a sound.

We have also studied Systems, learning about the computer processes behind things we may take for granted, such as how sensors instruct zebra crossings, and the system involved when we place an order at home on a device, and then collecting it a few days later at an Amazon locker. The children have also investigated searching on the World Wide Web, using two different search engines to find results for simple search terms such as ‘boot’, ‘sale’ and ‘rugby’, and learning how to refine a search to find more exact results.

Year 6

Year 6 been concentrating on online safety this half term in preparation for moving to High School We have been using the online platform Project Evolve to focus on health, well-being and lifestyle, copyright and ownership and privacy and security.