Day 2 September 2023

It is lovely to see the children skipping back in again and even those who were a little reluctant being supported to come in and have a successful day today. these first few days of term are really important for settling the children back in after such a long break and getting them used to the routines and expectations of the schools, and ensuring they know what they need to do, where they need to be and building on those relationships from transition week.

Today we welcomed the first of our new reception children and we were so pleased to greet them all and see them coming in so well. They had a lovely morning and were enjoying playing with the new equipment we have bought and with new friends. We look forward to seeing group 2 tomorrow. There appears to have been a little confusion over arrival times so can we ask for the new reception to come in at 9 just for tomorrow, after the gate has closed for the other year groups. It will be a bit quieter for them.

Yesterday morning we were dealing with supporting some families in crisis following a difficult summer, so the newsletter is pushed back until Monday whilst we support them as their safety is our priority. All of us on the senior leadership team are involved in that, hence the newsletter not coming until Monday. However, you did get a newsletter with all the dates on it last term so we hope you are all up to date and it will be nice to be able to feedback on some of the great things the children have achieved this week also. Already today I have seen some excellent work, children supporting each other and real kindness and care between them. That makes us proud.

We understand there was some activity on the local community facebook page about the attendance warning letter that was sent out yesterday. This is a letter that we are obliged to send legally and it has to be sent on the first day of term to all registered parents on our system, as is the case for all schools.  It was queued up to send on the first day back on our automated system to ensure we met our legal duty.  It may not be our choice to send it then, but we are duty bound to send it. For the majority of parents, you will have seen this just as that, but for anyone who may be under the misapprehension that was our welcome back to the children you are mistaken. The children were all welcomed back in person at the gates, all seen in class and all spoken to in person.

The Governors have asked me to pass on that it is not acceptable to post about negatively staff or the school on social media, if there is a concern you should speak to the school directly. No one knows what people may have going on in their lives or who they may be supporting through difficult times, so if you have nothing kind to say, it is often best to say nothing at all. This is the message one of the children shared in assembly yesterday, she said her Mum tells her that. I said she is a very wise Mum. We talked to the children about being a role model to others, by always doing the right thing and being kind. How if you have a different opinion to someone you can disagree respectfully. We ask that parents and carers act as a role model to the children to,  including in their online comments and demonstrate our Paths rule of treat others as you wish to be treated.

It has been a pleasure to greet the children back into school this week and see them so settled and enthusiastic. Long may it continue!

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, do contact us directly.

Best wishes

Joanna Pedlow