KS2 MFL Summer 2024

This term, the children in Year 3 have had the opportunity to revisit and consolidate the Spanish topics they have learned this year. It is great to see how much more confident they are to hold simple conversations with one another and how their pronunciation has improved.  

Year 4 have been learning how to talk about their pets in Spanish this term.

They have learned various vocabulary for the different animals they might have at home

Perro, Gato, Ratón, Hámster, Conejo, Conejillo de Indias, Pez, Pájaro and Tortuga (can you guess what any mean?) and looked carefully at how words change when talking about more than one of each.

In Year 5, children have been planning a trip to a Spanish speaking country. They have researched the different places where Spanish is spoken as the primary language, and the different cultures of these. They have thought of useful phrases to have as a visitor and learned to discuss different nationalities.

The children in Year 6 have consolidated their knowledge of one of our autumn term units – ‘en mi pueblo’ (in my town). They produced a knowledge organiser to display the key phrases and vocabulary learnt. The children enjoyed decorating their knowledge organisers once they had recorded the key information.

KS2 Music Summer 2024

In Music, children have continued to increase their ukulele skills. We’ve now reached the trickiest part where they have to quickly move several fingers in a single beat to change chords in a song. We are really impressed with the perseverance that all children are showing and Mr Hardy is hoping some of them will be joining his Ukulele Club next year.

Year 4 have had a new unit of work in Music for the Summer Term exploring rhythm with Body Percussion, Junk and Bucket Drumming. Children learned how to make different rhythmic patterns using cups, explored the range of percussive sounds made with the body (clicking, clapping, tapping, stamping, chest pats etc) to produce different grooves and then moved on to bucket drumming. Children have learned to read rhythm notation and the difference time signatures make. Children played different rhythms in 3 parts with changing dynamics. Really great fun!

In Year 5 we asked, ‘How Does Music Connect Us with the Environment?’. This Social Question evolved as the children moved through the scheme, encouraging them to be responsible and kind citizens of the world using carefully chosen songs. Children then created their own fun and confident performances.

This term Year 6 have been working on adding musical accompaniments to familiar songs using glockenspiels and recorders. The children learnt to play simple tunes to play along to the song “A La Bamba”. They also learnt to sing the song in Spanish.

The second half of the term was spent learning songs to our end of year performance “I’m a celebrity, Get me out of here!”.The children learnt to sing a variety of songs from mock pop and rock, and raps, to a French style accordion accompanied ballad. Some children sang in small groups and we even had some soloists. 

In addition, each class in Years 3, 4 and 5 has been practicing performing a song for our annual Toftovision Song Contest – I think this might be the most competitive year so far!

Students who have been having lessons with RockSteady put on a brilliant end of term concert and Ukulele Club ended the year with a fantastic performance of Stick Season and 500 miles in the Leavers Assembly.

It was a real joy for Ukulele Club to play for Millie (who was here doing work experience) but was a dedicated member of the club when she was at Toftwood!

Summer 2

This term in Year 2 we have wrote a recount of our visit from ‘Mini Monsters’. We focused on the features of a recount, making sure we wrote in the past tense, used time adverbials, wrote in the first person and in chronological order.

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We also looked at the Little People Big Dreams book about Sir David Attenborough and talked about what a biography and an autobiography is. We did lots of research about Sir David Attenborough, making notes about his childhood, family, education, work at the BBC, David as a naturalist and his expeditions. We then put our notes into full sentences and wrote up our biographies. We also decided to make two-page spreads about Sir David and present our facts in an eye catching way.





Year 1 Summer 2

This half term in year 1 we have been focusing on the traditional tale of ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker’. We linked this to the animation of ‘Le Petit Cordonnier’ which did not have dialogue.

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The children looked carefully at the language the traditional tale used and the punctuation to support emphasis. Each day the children developed ideas for the next part of the story and then used this work to create a written story for Le Petit Cordonnier. They really enjoyed learning about inverted commas, ellipsis and writing words in bold to stand out.

The children wrote amazing stories and enjoyed sharing them in their classes!

Reception – Summer 2

The children in Reception have been working hard to put into practise all the things they have learnt this year. They have been busy reading to themselves in their independent learning time, writing signs for the different areas in provision, making tickets for shows and labelling maps that they have made.

They have also been practising their story writing skills and becoming much more independent, needing less help from an adult each time they write! Their topic has been ‘Around the World’ and the children have enjoyed writing about animals and habitats that they have been learning about.


Team day at TIS 4.7.24

On Thursday 6th July the children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 participated in Team Day. The children were put into mixed year group teams who were all given a country team name competing at this years Olympic and Paralympic games and completed 14 different multi skill activities over the course of a morning and afternoon. We were helped by some and some of the Year 6 Sports Leaders.

Some of the activities required the children to work as a team such as passing a rugby ball to each other. Other activities required agility such as stepping in all the gaps in the agility ladder as quickly as they could. There were also activities to practise ball skills by dribbling a football around some cones on the playground and aiming balls at cricket stumps.

All the children participated well and worked together to earn points for their team. The winning teams were Mexico and France who were presented with a certificate at the end of the session and a school team day trophy! Well done to all who took part.

Spring 1 Music 2024

Music in Reception

In maths, the children have been learning patterns, such as word patterns or making up their own body percussion patterns such as clap, stomp, clap stomp.

During Receptions topic this term, ‘People who help us’ the children went on a bus trip so we taught them the song, “The Wheels on the Bus” and they had the opportunity to sing it on an actual bus and perform to the bus driver!

Music in Year 1

During this half term, year 1 have celebrated a wide range of musical styles. The children have listened, sung, composed and performed both familiar songs like the lullaby, Hush Little Baby and new songs like learning the Days of the Week. They have once again enjoyed playing the chime bars, as well as discovering high and low notes in some of the songs they have learnt the lyrics to and performed. 

Music in Year 2

This half term the children in Year 2 have been exploring many different music styles that link to community. They have listened and appraised different genres of music such as swing and classical. They have learnt different songs and performed these in class. One of their favourites was ‘The Music Man’. They have worked on listening and responding whilst learning these songs and performed these in groups. They also have been listening to music from the rainforest and drawing what we thought we could hear, the children used some of the instruments to imitate what they could hear.
