26.9.24 Active Kids Festival

A child running on a field

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On Thursday 26th September, 12 children from year 4 went to Taverham High School for an Active Kids Festival. The children were able to try a range of activities involving throwing, catching, running and moving in different ways. The children worked independently, in pairs and in small groups working on their team work skills. They listened well to the Sports Leaders and loved trying the activities with them. Everyone got stuck in and had a fantastic time, despite the weather!

A group of kids in blue shirts

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One child commented that they especially liked being able to either make the activity a little harder or a little easier depending on their skill level. Another said it was the best school trip they’d been on!

A group of children sitting on the ground

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Autumn 1 2024 – Year 2 Active Kids Festival

On Thursday 26th September, 11 children from Year 2 went to Taverham High School for an Active Kids Festival. The children were able to try a range of activities involving throwing, catching, running and moving in different ways. The children worked independently, in pairs and in small groups working on their team work skills. They listened well to the Sports Leaders and enjoyed trying the activities with them.  It was lovely to see the children working in mixed year groups and supporting each other.

Cornell noted that it was “five stars” and his “favourite trip ever”.

The children were well behaved throughout and demonstrated good listening and attention, as well as being very polite! Well done Year 2.

Team day at TIS 4.7.24

On Thursday 6th July the children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 participated in Team Day. The children were put into mixed year group teams who were all given a country team name competing at this years Olympic and Paralympic games and completed 14 different multi skill activities over the course of a morning and afternoon. We were helped by some and some of the Year 6 Sports Leaders.

Some of the activities required the children to work as a team such as passing a rugby ball to each other. Other activities required agility such as stepping in all the gaps in the agility ladder as quickly as they could. There were also activities to practise ball skills by dribbling a football around some cones on the playground and aiming balls at cricket stumps.

All the children participated well and worked together to earn points for their team. The winning teams were Mexico and France who were presented with a certificate at the end of the session and a school team day trophy! Well done to all who took part.

Summer 2 – KS1 Athletics Festival

On Friday 14th June, 10 children from KS1 took part in an Athletics Festival at Taverham High School. The children rotated around nine different activities which focused on a different skill. The stations included;  ladder footwork, relay shuttles, a bean bag balance, soft javelin, egg and spoon race, bean bag throw, hurdles, slalom relay and long jump. The whole day had been organised by the Taverham High School sports leaders, who were there to lead each session.

All of the children who attended the event were awarded a certificate for their participation and one child received a special certificate for their ‘determination’ throughout the day. The children enjoyed experiencing lots of different activities and a top favourite of the day was seeing how far they could throw a soft javelin, challenging each other to throw further each time.

“That was so much fun.” – Mason, in Year 2.

Summer 1 2024 Tri-Golf Event

On Thursday 2nd May, 10 children from Year 2 took part in a Tri-Golf event at Taverham High School. The children rotated around eight activities throughout the day and learned how to vary the swing of the golf club, control the ball and aim at a target. Each activity station was played in teams and the Taverham High School sports leaders were there to praise and encourage the children whilst developing key skills.

All the children who attended the event received a certificate with one child receiving a special certificate for their demonstration of honesty. Many of the children had never tried golf before this event and we were very proud of their enthusiasm and behaviour. A great time was had by all and we all agreed that this was a sport that we would definitely want to try again.

“I love golf now, this was the best day ever” – Annabelle, Year 2

Spring 2 2024 KS1 Adapted Sports4All

On Thursday 21st March, 9 KS1 children took part in the Adapted Sports Day at Taverham High School. The children were able to participate in 8 activities throughout the day. First, the children had a go at being blindfolded and rolling a bell ball to each other to try to listen to and get the ball. They also enjoyed a bowling activity where they had to aim to be the closest to a ball and then had to bowl over some skittles. The children also used a Frisbee and football to score goals in the next activity. There were also target throwing, curling and cricket activities. The children particularly enjoyed playing with the parachute as they got to run underneath when their colour was called.

The children ended the day by doing some races in which they had to move a beanbag from one cone to the other as fast as they could. Miss Degning, Mrs Hartley and Mrs Gibson were very impressed with the children’s self believe and confidence when completing each of the activities. Well done to all those who took part!

The Dance Festival

On Friday the 14th of March, a group of 11 children from Year 5 and 6 attended a Dance Festival at The Space in Norwich. The children performed with other schools to the theme of ‘Happy, Healthy and Active’. The children dressed up in bright coloured clothes and wore Emojis which helped them to think positive. They were given time to practise their dance on stage with lighting and music. Prior to the show, the children had been rehearsing at school since September and were really excited to participate.

They were lucky enough to watch Legacy (an all-boys dance troop) perform. They were amazed and inspired by the incredible performance. Some felt so driven that they wanted to continue dancing and potentially join a club outside of school.

Later that day, the children wore colourful face paint and took part in two performances in front of their friends and family. For some children, this was a completely new experience and Mrs Harvey-Parsons and Mrs Morton were so proud of them for having the courage to stand up on stage into front of hundreds of people. The adults were really impressed by their non-stop enthusiasm, determination to succeed, excellent teamwork and support they showed their peers.

It was a fantastic day enjoyed by the all children and adults alike!   

Well done everyone!

KS1 Girls Disney Football Festival

As part of the Barclays Girls Football Partnership, North Norfolk, South Norfolk and West Norwich and Dereham SSP working in conjunction with Norwich City Community Sports Foundation organised a KS1 Disney Inspired Shooting Star Multi Skills Football Festival on Tuesday 5th March which was attended by 10 of our year 1 and 2 girls. This  was a fun festival with a carousel of different football activities for the girls to try and enhance their skills whilst being encouraged by a disney inspired theme. 

CFS staff ran workshops and activities involving the girls’ favourite Disney characters, to get them active and practising their football skills.

For many of the girls, it gave them their first experience of football in a fun, safe and inclusive environment, where they could develop their football skills whilst combining the sport with their favourite Disney stories and characters.

Indoor Athletics February 2024

\\toftwood.local\data\Staff Home$\swicks\My Pictures\Saved Pictures\Athletics\IMG_3045.JPG We were very excited to take part in the West Norwich and Dereham School Sport Partnership’s Indoor Athletics tournament. A number of students participated in a number of field and track events against other schools.

We had a very busy morning at one of the sports halls at UEA. All the children participated in 3-4 events. Toftwood displayed incredible team spirit by cheering on all the athletes and made the school very proud.

The children competed a variety of track events such as obstacle relays, lap replays and over and under relays. As well as this, they competed in field events such as chest push, standing long jump, five strides, vertical jump, soft javelin and speed bounce. It was a very busy morning but our Toftwood athletes put all their effort into every event.

We all had a fabulous day and the adults were tremendously proud of the way they embraced the challenges of a sports event. The children demonstrated a mature, positive and well-behaved approach and their enjoyment in participating was apparent to everyone.

Spring 1 2024 Year 5 and 6 Swimming Gala

On Thursday 25th January, 8 children from Year 5 and 6 had the opportunity to attend the West Norwich and Dereham School Sports Partnership (WNDSSP) Swimming Gala held at UEA Sportspark. The children took part in a variety of different races including breaststroke, freestyle and backstroke. All of the children were incredibly supportive of each other and were enthusiastically cheering each other on from the side-lines!

The last races were relay races and the children were able to demonstrate their excellent team work skills in all three of our relays! All of the children should be incredibly proud of themselves! They were understandably a bit nervous to start with but they soon relaxed and had a fantastic time.

At the end of the gala, there was a short presentation of certificates (in which we got a couple)! The ‘determination’ sticker was also given to one of the Year 5 girls for being determined to do her best despite nerves.