KS1 PE Festival January 2024

On Thursday 18th January 2024, 10 children from Years 1 and 2 went to Easton Tennis Centre and participated in the PE Festival.

The children participated in eight different activities and worked well with other children from different schools. They had a go at games which involved throwing, catching and agility skills! The children really enjoyed the throwing activity in which they had to aim a ball at a hooped target; this was their favourite of the day!

They really enjoyed themselves and were well-behaved and polite throughout the whole day. We were so proud of how well they participated and challenged themselves at skills such as relay races, team games and parachute games. One child even received the passion sticker for showing a true passion for sport and trying his best in all activities!

KS1 Gymnastics trip December 2023

On Wednesday 6th December 2023, 8 children from Years 1 and 2 went to Norwich Gymnastics Club and participated in a gymnastics festival.

The children had the opportunity to use lots of the equipment including the beams, bars, vault and the foam pit. They completed a range of different activities, which allowed them to practise their jumping, balancing and rolling movements. Everyone had a fantastic time and all the children tried their best with the new skills; even when some of the activities were very challenging and a tad scary. We were so proud of how they had a go at everything!

The ‘determination’ sticker was given at the end of the festival to one child for demonstrating excellent bravery and determination on the beam. She found it quite scary to begin with, but had another go and did brilliantly.

The most popular activities were the vault and the bars. During both activities, the children finished by jumping or dropping into the foam pit which was great fun!

Year 3 Alternative Activities Festival – 29.11.23

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On Thursday 29th November, 9 children from Year 3 participated in the Alternative Activities Festival at Norwich Arena. This involved a carousel of activities which involved various different skills. There was frisbee, bowling and yoga to name just a few!

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The children particularly enjoyed the trampolining, where they had a small trampoline each and had to follow the instructors moves. It really warmed everyone up and got hearts and lungs working well.

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Mrs Pawley was very impressed by the children’s self-belief in trying these exciting different sports. All of the children loved the day, trying the kayak machines and using the parachute for amazing games. They even managed to fit in a game of stuck-in-the-mud! Behaviour was exemplary throughout the day and everyone tried their best and had fun.

Well Done, Year 3!

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Girls’ Football Competition

On Tuesday 14th November, a group of 16 girls from Years 4, 5 and 6 attended a football competition at GOALS in Norwich.

On competition day, the 8 girls who were part of the Year 4 team played really well together and showed great team spirit and enthusiasm. The girls reached the quarter finals which included an exciting penalty shoot-out. In total, the team scored 5 goals. Tia received the certificate for showing respect on the pitch, well done!

The 8 girls from Year 6 also played really well. They played 3 games in the morning and after being refuelled with lunch they played a further four games. These afternoon matches were all won and a total of 14 goals were scored! Millie received the certificate for showing respect on the pitch, well done!

The Toftwood team had a great day making Mrs Hodges, Mr Barnes and Mr Chapman very proud with their fantastic behaviour, great sporting attitude and for the respect shown both on and off the pitch. Well done everyone!

Autumn 2 – KS1 Rugby Festival

On Thursday 9th November, ten children from KS1 took part in a Rugby Festival at Crusaders Rugby Club. The children rotated around seven activities, learning how to pass the ball, weave in and out, listen to their teammates and show good teamwork. These activities were run by year 9 and 10 students from Neatherd High School.

All the children received a certificate and two children were given a special certificate to celebrate their passion that they had shown on the day, normally one child gets this certificate but it was too close to choose between them. Some of the children had never tried Rugby before but all were very excited to learn and showed great determination and perseverance. They had a great time and all agreed it would be a sport they wouldn’t mind trying again! Mrs Morton and Mrs Hartley were so impressed by the behaviour of the children who attended the trip!

Autumn 2 – KS1 Cross-Country

On Wednesday 11th November 16 children from Years 1-2 competed in the WNDSSP’s cross country competition. The theme for the event was honesty, with the children needing to demonstrate good sportsmanship. Albie from Year 2 won a special sticker for demonstrating this theme, after he lost his shoe during the race and had to run a portion of the race with only one!

We were so impressed with the children’s attitude and behaviour, as they were excellent role models for our Federation.

Well done Toftwood!

Speed Stacking Festival

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On Friday 20th October, 10 children from Year 3 participated in a Speed Stacking Festival at UEA. This involved a carousel of activities which involved variations of speed, numbers of cups, and sizes of the stacks being built.

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The children played a range of team games that utilised important skills such as communication and listening to one another as the passionate sports leaders introduced the children to a sport they had never explored before.

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Mrs Pawley was very impressed by the children’s determination to learn a challenging new skill. All of the children loved the day, enjoying and improving in every cup stacking challenge. “I’m having so much fun!” one of the children exclaimed half way through.

Super Job, Year 3!

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Autumn 1 – Year 2 speed stacking

On Friday 20th October, 10 children from year 2 attended UEA Sportspark in Norwich to represent our federation in a KS1 Speed stacking event. The event focused on encouraging self-belief- “have a go and do your personal best!” The children had to work as a team to complete 12 different speed stacking activities, each with a different area of challenge- speed, teamwork, motor skills and strategy.

All of the children thoroughly enjoyed challenging themselves and working together to complete the challenges, and had smiles on their faces all day! They became super speedy “speed stackers” by the end of the day!

C:\Users\e.bruce\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\IMG_9421.JPG Well done to everyone that took part!


UKS2 Tag Rugby Festival

On Thursday 12th October, year 5 enjoyed competing in a tag rugby event. The festival was organised by the WNDSSP and some sport leaders from Langley School.
The children enjoyed a carousel of activities that introduced the skills required in this game: passing, tackling (grab the tag), running and then also practiced these skills in a hybrid game of tag rugby netball. After learning and practicing the skills required the children then took part in 4 practice games against other schools.

Mr Barnard was very proud of the effort put in and how the children built up their understanding of the game and tactics that could be used within the game scenarios. The children all represented the school well and always shook the hands of the opposition after the games (which was commended by adults from other schools).
Well done guys, you should be very proud of your effort
and determination shown throughout the day.

Autumn 1 2023 – KS1 Football Festival

On Thursday 5th October, 5 children from year 1 and 5 children from year 2 attended Goals in Norwich to represent our federation in a KS1 Football Festival. The event started working on some teamwork skills and then they worked through 4 different football activities.

They practised dribbling, passing and then finished with a match and penalty shoot out!

All of the children thoroughly enjoyed being outside, active and developing their football skills, and had smiles on their faces all day! For many, it was their first time playing in a football match and they have all said they would like to play again.

Well done to everyone that took part!