Wellbeing Session – Summer 1 2024 

Elise came to talk to year 5 today about 2 more aspects of well-being: giving and taking notice.

We thought about all the things we could give for free and how that makes other people feel. We listed, time, love, hugs, respect, praise, compliments, support, kindness, hope, friendship and courage. We reflected on how we felt when we had received any of these things.

We also considered how we feel when we give these things and they are not received kindly and how someone may need space to reflect and then reach out for our support later.

We also reflected on how observant we are and the kinds of things we notice around us; we have learnt to take notice of small details, not just the big things. Are our friends feeling or behaving differently today? Why might that be? What could we do to support them?

Our challenge is to put these skills into practice at home and at school and see the positive impact it has on people in our lives.

Reverent Laura Parnell Resurrection Workshop – Thursday 21st March 2024


On Thursday, Reverent Laura delivered a workshop to each Year 5 class to support our enquiry question of ‘What does the Resurrection mean to Christians?’ The children started off by looking at a photograph of Jesus’ tomb, whereby the children discussed the photo, which depicts the Resurrection. The children commented how bright the picture was.

Reverent Laura asked the children why Good Friday had that name – the children thought it was because it was the end of the week! She explained that the day got its name because Christians believe that God loves us and is willing to die for us. The children discussed the meaning of names and Reverent Laura informed us that Jesus’ name means he saves. The children were very curious as to what their name meant and used the tablets to find the answer!

The last part of the workshop involved discussing the 5 meanings of Easter Eggs. The children were really fascinated that Easter Eggs are hollow, which illustrates the tomb being empty! Overall, the children discovered that the Resurrection is so important to Christians because it demonstrates a new life, a promise and a gift.

Spring 2 in Year 5…

Year 5 have had a busy spring term! In English, we have focused on stories from other cultures (Cloud Tea Monkeys). This story is all about a young Indian girl (Tashi), who works on a tea plantation with her mother and aunt. Unfortunately, Tashi’s mum gets sick and Tashi has to work longer shifts to earn money to pay for a doctor so her mother can get better, however she is faced with the awful overseer, who kicks her basket of tea leaves over and laughs in her face. The children have learnt how to use reported and direct speech and have used this to produce a newspaper report.

In Maths, Year 5 studied geometry, perimeter and area and statistics. The children have confidently identified different angles (acute, obtuse, right angle and reflex), have measured angles accurately using a protractor, have explored the area of compound and rectilinear shapes and have inputted data onto a line graph. The children have made outstanding progress with these skills and we are very proud of their perseverance!

In DT, we have planned and cooked a vegetarian curry this term. The children evaluated this and commented that if they were to do it again, they would add meat. In addition to this, we have also had a debate about whether we should eat less meat! The children were all very passionate about their response!

In RE, we are answering the big enquiry question “what difference does the resurrection make to Christians?” The children have explored what the resurrection is, what Christians celebrate on Good Friday and Easter Sunday and have made comparisons across the different gospels.

In PE, Year 5 had a cricket coach deliver weekly lessons to each class. The coach has taught the children about accurate bowling, catching, fielding and batting. The children thoroughly enjoyed developing each skill and commented that they loved playing a whole class game. The classes worked hard on their team work skills. Well done!

Year 5 Autumn Term 2

Year 5 have been extending their knowledge of the five British Values; tolerance, free liberty, the rule of law, equality and democracy. We also incorporated activities to participate in Black History month where we studied the life of Harriet Tubman and her underground railway – the way she helped to free slaves in North America. We made quilts with coded messages as she would have done; partly because the slaves could not read and also to remain secretive about their next moves.

This half term, we have really enjoyed finding out about the Vikings. The children used their retrieval skills to recall their understanding of invaders and settlers, in previous years. Our Viking visitor enhanced their understanding and helped to bring their learning to life, with artefacts and replicas which the children could touch.

During DT they learnt about pneumatic systems and made a Viking Longship using a hand drill, craft knife, glue gun and hand saw.

The children gained a lot of confidence in converting fractions to find equivalent fractions, they can convert a mixed number to an improper fraction and back again. They can also add and subtract fractions. They also know how to multiply a 4 digit number by a 2 digit number and have gained confidence in short division.

In English, they read and compared features of poems by Pam Ayers and Benjamin Zephaniah. They also enjoyed watching a film clip as a stimulus for descriptive writing, using techniques as describing the senses, using personification etc to add atmosphere to their writing.

In science they have been finding out about the properties of materials, dissolving, solutions and seeing if they could separate them again.

Computing Year 5 Autumn 1

In Year 5 in Autumn 1 we have been blogging to share our ideas about online safety. We have also been learning how to use our word processing skills and develop confidence using both hands when typing.

In our first lesson we looked at how to format text on word by changing the size, font, colour and using the cut and paste function. Year 5 then used these skills to create their own pupil files similar to what the teachers handed out in transition week. We spoke about how to make responsible choices with our online identities before creating our own files about ourselves for a class book with a paragraph about family, hobbies and school.

Year 5 have discussed online safety and the importance of communicating effectively online. We then created our own safe passwords on edublogs. We used this website to create a class blog where we all wrote our own post about the learning we had done so far this term. In our final lesson we explored the quality of information available on the internet and considered how we access it. We then wrote a post on our class blog outlining what we have learned about using the internet to research information.

PE Year 5 Autumn 1

In Real Gym, the children have been focussing on their creative skills.

They are learning to:

  • change tactics, rules or tasks to make activities more fun or more challenging.
  • respond imaginatively to different situations.
  • use variety and creativity to engage an audience.

They have thoroughly enjoyed using hoops, mats, ropes, balls etc to extend their creativity and make a sequence of linked movements, working individually, with a partner and in small groups. They also use, benches and the larger gymnastic equipment.

In outdoor PE, the children have been working on their cognitive skills.

They are learning to:

  • explain what they are doing well.
  • identify areas for improvement.
  • understand ways (criteria) to judge performance.
  • suggest patterns of play which will increase chances of success.
  • develop methods to outwit opponents.

They have been developing skills to use and adapt traditional games such as a bean bag raid.

LW5 are also enjoying their swimming lessons at the Leisure Centre.

Geography Year 5 Autumn 1

Year 5 have been learning about earthquakes and plate tectonics. This builds nicely on their prior learning of mountains and volcanoes in Year 4; they started the topic developing their retrieval skills, to enable them to build on this knowledge. They then represented their learning in an A3 spread, like the example shown below.

Maths Year 5 Autumn 1

Year 5 have been building on their knowledge of place value. They understand that the value of a digit changes according to the column in which it sits. Their understanding has been strengthened by using concrete apparatus, where the children physically move the counters within the place value columns to appreciate why we use exchanges in our written calculations. They have also been developing their mental strategies in addition and subtraction as well as applying all these skills to multi-step word problems, identifying key vocabulary and using bar models to help them visualise the calculations required.

Geography Toftwood Junior

Year 5 have been studying recycling and the environment with cross curricular links with DT and history. We started by considering recycling in the past; Victorian finds, war years, through to the present day.

We have looked at the use and misuse of plastics where we have considered sustainability. In DT we communicated our concerns for plastics in the ocean, by creating sewn wall hangings.

We have also included new content to our curriculum where we have been finding out about renewable and non- renewable energies.

Sculthorpe Moor Trip

During the summer term, Year 5 attended a school trip to Sculthorpe Moor, where they were able to explore habitats. The children were split into four groups and were able to carousel across the various activities, which included: pond dipping, mini beast finding, sketching using binoculars and a woodland walk. The children absolutely loved these activities and were thrilled with the things they managed to catch!