19th April 2023 – Marsha and Todd visit to Year 2

IMG_4250 The children enjoyed their visit from Marsha and Todd this half term. When the children arrived into the classroom, a Passover table, set ready for the Jewish celebration, greeted them. Marsha and Todd gave each child a kippar, which they wore throughout the session. The children were able to retrieve from their RE learning about the story of Passover, and Marsha and Todd were very impressed with their accurate knowledge. Marsha and Todd went through the story of Passover again and told the children the relevance of each of the parts of the Seder plate. The children were then able to try a traditional Passover Seder plate, trying Matzah bread, grape juice, parsley with salt water and more. Harley said “the bread is flat because the Jews had to leave the city quickly, the dough wasn’t able to rise”. Kendra said “I really enjoyed trying the Matzah”.


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