Autumn 1 2023


The Autumn term has seen the start of a new Federation School Council. Children across the federation volunteered for the positions of class representative. Each class voted for their chosen candidate.

In years 6 and 2 the children took part in a separate School Council hustings process. From year 6 a Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary needed to be elected to run the School Council for the coming year, and year 2 took part in voting for a Vice Chairperson.

Each of the candidates were asked to make a speech to their classmates and all the children were given the chance to vote in the election using ballot papers. During this process we discussed the importance of democracy, one of our British Values.

Congratulations to our elected members for their excellent public speaking. Our Chair Person spoke about how he has had lots of help from adults in school during his time here and he now wants to help other students and make it the best it can be. He wants to help others and make sure no one is left out. His qualities include being a good listener and will think things through for the best possible outcome.

During our first meeting the school council discussed the possible name for our new federation reward system. We have asked classes to vote from the shortlist below:

Toftwood Tokens, Excellence Points, Merit Tokens

All of the children were invited to submit ideas for the rewards, which they will get once they have received 10 ‘points’ or they can bank them to work for a 20 points reward. Points will be awarded for the above and beyond behaviours, or overcoming a particularly difficult challenge. Here are the ideas the children came up with:

Rewards for 10 points

  • Basketball at lunchtime with 3 friends
  • Bring your toy or stuffed animal to school
  • Colouring outside or in the hall
  • Football in the Smooga at break with three friends
  • Have a draw with Rob
  • Lunch time with your teddy
  • Maths challenges

Rewards for 20 points

  • Climbing frame with 3 friends
  • Disco with the disco ball
  • Going to Reception for an hour to help
  • Library lunch with friends
  • Lunch on a special table in the hall with 3 friends
  • Lunch with your brother or sister
  • Lunch with your favourite adult

Voting for Infant Lunchtime Clubs 2023-24

During the first half of autumn term the infant school council have been busy discussing lunchtime clubs. The teachers at Infants decided to let the children have the final say into the types of clubs that they would like to have over the coming year. As a council we looked through the list from last year and discussing the practicalities of each club. The children then voted for their preferred choices. Some of the clubs included in the final list were:

  • Lego Club
  • Film Club
  • Dance Club
  • Singing Club
  • Nature Club
  • Treasure Hunt Club
  • Mindfulness Club
  • Summer Sports club
  • Art Club

The teachers will run these throughout the year alongside some of our existing clubs and various sports clubs that coincide with trips and events.

Recycling in our Federation

During the last meeting of Autumn 1 the children in the school council discussed ways to improve recycling within our Federation. The children talked about how our bins can be used properly and raising attention to this through creating new posters to go up around the classroom, along with conducting a special assembly for their peers.

The council took a feedback sheet back to their classes to discuss any other ideas with their class. Some classes have voted in a ‘Litter Monitor’ to check the bins at the end of the day. The council will report back in the first meeting of Autumn 2 on how this is going and whether we can role this idea out in every class.