Autumn 2023


Reception children undertook activities linked to bonfire night at the beginning of November. Activities included discussing experiences of bonfire night, watching videos of the celebration, finding out about firework safety, and creating firework pictures.

During independent learning time, reception children have had the opportunity to find out about dinosaurs and explore the dinosaur bones.

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Whilst playing with the small world play castle, some children were intrigued to learn about real castles.

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Reception children learnt about Remembrance Day. They made their own poppies in class and had a class assembly where they observed a two minute silence. They watched a CBeebies video called ‘poppies’ which is a lovely video showing how the poppies grew in the field after all the grass had turned to mud.

Year 1

Year one children found out about extinct animals and also those that are endangered. They made a timeline to show when the animals became extinct.

Year 2

Norwich’s Past

Year 2 children have learnt about life in Norwich in the past. They studied the cathedral and castle in Norwich. Lessons included looking at artefacts relating to Norwich’s past, comparing old and new landmarks in Norwich, and finding out about castles and how they were defended.

See grid below to show understanding before and after the topic.

The children participated in a History Day- see special events tab for further details.

Year two also looked at the significant person William the Conqueror. They created a timeline for his life.

Night time

As part of our topic Night time the children have learnt about a significant person from the past, Guy Fawkes.  The children wrote about who Guy Fawkes was and why he is an important historical person.

They picked some items that Guy Fawkes might have used in 1605 and described how he would have used them. They then explained the difference between objects that Guy Fawkes could have used, compared with what he might have used today.