Children’s Mental Health Week 2020

The week beginning 3rd February 2020 was Children’s Mental Health Week and we recognised this week across the federation in a number of ways.

We started the week with assemblies in both schools, which included discussing what Mental Health is and the theme of the week ‘Find Your Brave.’ We talked about what it means to be brave and how we have been brave in our lives. We shared the idea that being brave means trying new things even if you are afraid and sometimes little steps in the right direction is the most important thing.

On Thursday it was Time to Talk Day so we celebrated this by mixing with other children in our own year group and other year groups to talk about different topics, all to promote the importance of conversation.

Other activities throughout the week included mindfulness colouring, listening to calm music, mindfulness challenge activities, Jumpstart Johnny and yoga to promote the importance of physical activity for mental wellbeing.

This was an important week for the children to ensure they are equipped with the tools to cope with different challenges in life and that they recognise the importance of looking after their mental health as well as their physical health.