Computing Spring Term 2024


The children in Reception have continued to learn about the technology in their classroom learning environments. They have particularly been focusing on gaining independence when using equipment, for example being able to change the colour of the pen on the SMART programme, bringing up a clean page and learning how to erase marks they’ve made.

Year 1

The children in year 1 have been learning about grouping and comparing data. They were able to link their computing learning to classifying objects in Science. They were tasked with grouping a range of classroom objects and talking about why and how they grouped them this way. We also discussed how computers would group and compare data as part of web searches to find the correct item that was typed in. 


During Spring 2 the children were excited to learn about algorithms and coding. They were able to use the beebots to support their learning and to give clear and precise instructions for their beebot to move around an area. They logged in to Purple Mash to complete the task ‘2go’ to help navigate the bee to each flower.


Year 2

In Computing this term the children have focused on two strands of Computing, Digital Literacy and Computer Science.

When focusing on Digital Literacy the children have been thinking about computing systems and networks. They begun by using laptops for the first time, learning about the mice and keyboard. The children thought about different digital devices that they have and can use. They drew pictures, typed sentences and even played some typing games on Purple Mash to improve their digital literacy for typing.

When focusing on Computer Science the children have been retrieving their learning from Year 1 and building on their learning from Autumn all about algorithms. They have used beebots to plan a route, and have even had a go at predicting what their algorithm will lead to. They have then designed their own mats on Purple Mash and navigated their beebot/character through their mat by programming. Albie R said “This is programming, it was tricky to program.” Bradley said that he “found it tricky to predict where he wanted his beebot to go”. The children also created some Musical Algorithms using Purple Mash 2Beat.