Design and Technology – Summer 2017

This term children in the EYFS have enjoyed taking advantage of the glorious weather and have taken their design and technology skills outside. They have enjoyed using the outdoor area to build dens and have been practising evaluating and adapting their dens when they have not been fit for purpose. They have also enjoyed developing their ideas using the large construction equipment available.

Inside the classroom the children have enjoyed being involved in whole class junk modelling activities to design animals and habitats that they saw at the zoo.

Children have been learning new skills and have practised these skills in their free choice activities.

All children in the EYFS have continued to enjoy daily access to creative resources and have been encouraged to develop their ideas and adapt their creations when necessary.

Children in Year One have also enjoyed taking design and technology outside this term. They have been using their DT skills to design and create boats. The children used a range of materials to create their boats and then tested to see if they would float. The children were encouraged to talk about their creations and adapt their ideas when things did not turn out as they had expected.

Children in year two have been busy exploring our school and drawing maps. They were challenged to create a 3D map of our school and they used their design and technology skills to create 3D map using junk modelling. The children were very proud of their creations.