DT Spring 2024


This term, the children in Reception have been enjoying their Fantasy topic. They have been using a variety of materials to create ll sorts of things they may find in a fantasy book! They have created pirate hats, dragons and many other fantastical objects. The children also enjoyed some cooking this term. They decided what to put on top of their pancakes and tasted them to check which one they liked best.

Year 1

In Year 1, the children found out about different climates and how houses are designed to survive floods in other areas of the world. The children then made their own flood-proof houses in pairs. They thought about the features of a real house in a flood risk area and applied this to their own creation. The children then tested their houses by flooding a tray with water.

Year 2

In Year 2 the children talked about different ways of travel. The children learnt about boats and designed their own. They thought about what materials would be best to use and how to ensure their boat would travel on water. The children chose their own materials to make their boats and tested them to see if their design and build had been successful. They then evaluated their boats and thought about what they would do differently next time. The children also made bruschetta and loved getting to taste and evaluate it!