Geography Spring 2024


During the topic “People Who Help Us” children found out about the jobs of members in our community. The first week involved learning about bus drivers.

A bus trip around Dereham and Toftwood was organised for the Reception children with special thanks to the team at Konect bus. The children enjoyed sharing the places they knew with their friends, as they travelled around their locality. “I go to that shop and my house is that way,” said O. “McDonalds and Aldi is down there”, said O. It was lovely to hear the children explaining their findings to their friends, including how to press the button to stop the bus.

During the interview with the bus driver driver, they found the answers to their questions. This included where the bus fills up with fuel, why the bus has a number 8, why the bus is blue and where the bus driver ate lunch.

The children really benefitted from the experience and wanted to get back to school and recreate their own bus and role play being the driver and passengers. 

Staff from the fire service, local vets and police also visited Reception to talk about their roles in the community.

Year 1

As part of their topic “Weather Experts”, year one children studied the weather in our school grounds; they identified daily and seasonal weather patterns in the locality. They also learnt about climate zones. The children also learnt how to use a compass and completed orienteering activities in the school grounds.

Following on from writing weather reports for the UK, the children recapped the UK and it’s 4 countries. They also discussed places they had visited in Norfolk.

The children also worked on finding out about a specific country, including the food, climate and flag.

Year 2

Year two children named and located the UK’s four countries and capital cities; they named the seas surrounding the UK. The children worked on naming the seven continents and five oceans. This will prepare them for detailed work on the continents later in the year.