PATHS – Summer Term 2023

Reception & Year 1

Over the summer term Twiggle the turtle and his friends have helped the children in reception and year 1 to discuss lots of common feelings and emotions that they may experience at home and at school. Over the term they have covered ‘comfortable feelings’ such as pride, love and feeling generous, along with some ‘uncomfortable feelings’ such as tiredness, frustration, disappointment, jealousy, guilt and feeling worried.

During each lesson the children have listened to the stories and scenarios that Twiggle and his friends have found themselves in. They have discussed their own experiences of these feelings, how it has made them feel inside, and how they have reacted. Together the children have looked at ways to help control some of these feelings and also how to help others around them.

“I was proud of myself when I went through the dark maze at Pensthrope as I’m scared of the dark”. Yr1

“Even when my mummy gets cross with me I know she still loves me”. Yr R

“I get jealous when a friend has what I want”. Yr R

“Jealousy makes you feel like your problem has just expanded”. Yr1

“Jealousy can make your heart beat fast”. Yr1

“Do ‘Turtle’ to give yourself time to be sad”. Yr1

“You can count to 5 if you are feeling worried”. Yr R

Year 2

Into the summer term the children in year 2 continued to discuss their understanding of ‘manners’. The children role-played different scenarios, showing rude responses as well as the correct polite response to the situation. The children came up with phrases they could use in each scenario such as thank you and excuse me.

During the summer term the children also discussed the differences between ‘uncomfortable’ and ‘comfortable’ feelings looking at pride, feeling ashamed, frustration and feeling bored. Once again the children used role play and stories to explore these feelings and responses through a set of scenarios. The children also made ‘Fair Play Rules’ posters whilst thinking about friendship.