RE Spring Term 2022


In Reception this term we have been thinking about kindness. We enjoyed reading ‘A kind stranger’ and thought about why it is important to make good choices and be kind to others. The children discussed how we can be kind in school and decided that these link to our school’s Golden rules.

Year 1

This term, Marsha and Todd visited the children and told them all about the celebration of Purim. The children were able to make masks for a Purim party and retold the Story of Esther using finger puppets. The children also made Hamuntaschen biscuits and learned some Purim songs.

Year 2

This term the children have been learning about how we may belong to a faith family. We invited Clare from Norwich Cathedral to enhance our learning. The children learnt about christenings, and who plays an important role in belonging to a faith family. The children wrote their own thankful prayers, which we are going to share with Norwich Cathedral too!