Remembrance Day 2018

With the centenary of World War 1, Toftwood Juniors chose to commemorate the event by having a whole school assembly with Mrs Hughes and then discussing it further in class with the teachers.

The children understood why we wear a poppy as a symbol of Remembrance Day.  The children across the Federation, have been creating their own poppies as a sign of respect.  These were tied to the gates and fences of the Federation schools.

The day was also commemorated by the Kitchen staff. They baked and decorated poppy biscuits for the children as yet another visual reminder of Remembrance Day.

In class, the children participated in discussions about the trenches. They found the trench life of World War One unbelievably difficult to grasp and displayed great respect for the soldiers that took part in it. Many children also shared family anecdotes about their own relatives that had been in both World Wars.