Wellbeing Week June 2021


The reception children have thoroughly enjoyed their wellbeing/sports week! They started the week with a visit from Ellise who gave us some activities to do for a ‘day of calm.’ They learnt how to do deep breathing and hand breathing, and also did a listening activity where they had to focus on the sound of a chime. The next day they learnt all about bees and some of the children made hives to take home to hang up. They have also enjoyed playing some parachute games such as cat and mouse, having a boogie underneath in ‘I like to move it’, and running underneath to switch places. The mushroom we made at the end was fun too! We had fun on Wednesday at team day, earning points as a team trying different sports activities and on Thursday the children took part in ‘sports day’ led by Mr Mann, where they had a go at running different races and throwing javelins. On Friday, they spent some time doing yoga and some colouring in while listening to some relaxing music.

Year 1

Year 1 began the week with ‘A Day of Calm’ activities with Mrs Owen from the Dereham and West Norwich School Sports Partnership. Children were able to do this in their classes.

We thought about designing a calming garden to attract the bees. Part of our learning for this was to learn about how bees collect the nectar from flowers and bring it back to their hive. The children played a fun game to demonstrate this using coloured water for nectar and pipettes to extract the nectar and carry it back to the hive. We found out a lot of information about bees and what they liked and tried to include this in our design. We also did a collaborative mindfulness colouring of a giant bee.

We also had great fun learning a new team game of throw rounders. The children picked up the rules quickly and some children were able to think in a tactical way.

Mr Mann and his colleagues from The School Sports Partnership joined us on Thursday for some sports activities

Year 2

On Monday, Ellise Owen came in to teach the children strategies to keep calm, breathing strategies and some Tai-Chi movements. They also did some chime listening to heighten their listening sense.

The children all entered the BBC Radio 2 Design a Bee Garden competition. We were impressed with how detailed the children completed their designs and some of them were keen to include some of the aspects in their own gardens.

During the latter parts of the week, the children enjoyed playing a variety of different games and team building activities. This included trying to get their team across shark-infested waters with just 2 mats and lots of obstacles to overcome. They used excellent communication skills. The children enjoyed a visit from the West Norwich and Dereham Schools Sports Partnership who ran a mini sports day. The week ended with the children partaking in a variety of physical activities and such a lots of fun with parachute games!