Summer 2 – KS1 Athletics Festival

On Friday 14th June, 10 children from KS1 took part in an Athletics Festival at Taverham High School. The children rotated around nine different activities which focused on a different skill. The stations included;  ladder footwork, relay shuttles, a bean bag balance, soft javelin, egg and spoon race, bean bag throw, hurdles, slalom relay and long jump. The whole day had been organised by the Taverham High School sports leaders, who were there to lead each session.

All of the children who attended the event were awarded a certificate for their participation and one child received a special certificate for their ‘determination’ throughout the day. The children enjoyed experiencing lots of different activities and a top favourite of the day was seeing how far they could throw a soft javelin, challenging each other to throw further each time.

“That was so much fun.” – Mason, in Year 2.