Social and Emotional Wellbeing Sessions – Autumn Term 2022

During Autumn 2 Ellise Owen visited all the classes in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. The focus of the wellbeing sessions was Social and Emotional wellbeing.

Ellise started the session by reading the book The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas. In the story the colour monster learns about different colours that show the different emotions he feels. 

Ellise talked to the children about how these emotions feel in our bodies. The children showed Ellise how their bodies and faces change when they feel emotions such as sad, happy and calm. 

We then played games to help us to focus and calm down when we might get too excited or feel the uncomfortable feelings of cross or angry. This links well with our PATHS learning about using the traffic light control signals to help us to Stop and Calm Down, Slow down and think and Go! Try my plan. This helps us to ‘take notice’ of our feelings, which is one of our 5 ways to wellbeing.

Ellise finished the session by sharing some breathing techniques with the children to keep their monsters green, which is the calm colour.

It was a fantastic session for all the children across the federation and we will be using the techniques in school, to help to keep our monsters green as much as we possibly can!