Wellbeing Afternoon 6th & 9th June 2023

On the 6th and 9th of June parents were welcomed into school to take part in a Federation wellbeing afternoon with their children.

All year groups really enjoyed showing their grown-ups the different activities that we take part in throughout the year to support and promote good wellbeing. At the Infant school these included Cosmic Yoga, mindfulness colouring, board games, origami, making dream-catchers and a nature scavenger hunt. At the Junior school the children in year 3 listened to calming music and had time to focus and be mindful whilst doing some colouring. The pupils also made use of our beautiful outdoor space noticing things in the environment around them, such as the colour of the trees and the sounds all around them.

All of these activities are linked to the ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’ that we follow within the Federation. These are:

1. Connect

2. Keep learning

3. Be active

4. Give

5. Take notice

A very calm and relaxing time was had by all!

As part of this event the parents were also invited to an information sharing session where they could look at the resources and how PSHE/PATHS and RSE are taught within the Federation.