World Autism Acceptance Week 2023

The week beginning 27th March was World Autism Acceptance Week and the theme for this year was ‘Colour’. To support this important week we asked each year group to learn about the life of a famous person who is on the Autistic Spectrum.

Reception – Pablo Cbeebies

Y1 – Lewis Carroll

Y2 – Chris Packham

Y3 – Albert Einstein 

Y4- Tim Burton

Y5- Charles Darwin

Y6- Steve Jobs

We wanted the children to understand that Autism comes in all different forms by learning about a range of people. Each year group joined in with an assembly helping them to understand what Autism is and how it can affect people. The children learnt that the brain is our body’s computer and it can work differently for all of us. It controls how we feel, learn and communicate. We discussed the importance of connecting with others to help our wellbeing and mental health. Everyone is unique and this is something as a Federation we like to celebrate.

“So he just kept trying and didn’t give up”. (Yr 2 Chris Packham

“He has a brain like me. Sometimes when I’m in crowds I don’t like it”. (Yr2)

“That man is like me. I love nature and animals”. (Yr 2 Chris Packham) In Reception the children watched an episode of Pablo (Cbeebies) and talked about how he had felt going to a noisy birthday party. They made brightly coloured rainbows to support the colour theme.