History Day 11th September 2024

The Federation of Toftwood Infant and Junior School participated in a History Day on Wednesday 11th September. Key stage one children began the day with an assembly about the history of our school. They found out that the school began in what is now Toftwood Social Club. The children were interested to hear about what school was like by listening to extracts from the school log books which dated back as far as 1876. They did a great job at identify staff in archived photographs and were interested to see how the school had changed. One child also recalled that he and his mum were taught by the same teacher!

Year one children had lots of fun learning about our school history. They discussed why children were absent from school and took part in a drill. They looked at an article from the log book regarding some missing keys, then participated in an orienteering activity in the school grounds to find the pictures of the keys with initials on, to discover the culprit.

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Year two children focused on school in the past. They looked at items found in classrooms and participated in Victorian style lessons. Activities included writing lines for English, reciting times tables, and a drill. They also participated in a playtime with hoops, skipping ropes and hopscotch.

Here are some quotes from year two children: “The teachers were very strict” Beau. “They had to write with chalk” Harrison. “The boys had to pick up leaves” Hermione.

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History Day

One of the threads that run through our Federation History Curriculum is “Sources” so we started the day with an assembly where the children were shown old school artefacts and they had to guess what they were. They found out about log books and how that the information that they used to day came from the original log book which was like a diary of events.

Year 3 really enjoyed the journey back in time to Victorian schooling! 

The children practised using cursive handwriting to form letters of the alphabet.  There was much hilarity and mirth at some of the letters, particularly – f, s, g, with the children insisting they could not find them on the board!  

Once the year group had honed their skills with the alphabet, some of them copied a well-used Victorian school phrase: 

Good, better, best, 
Never let it rest, 
Til your good is better, 
And your better, best. 

They also wrote their names using their best handwriting. 

The children learnt all about corporal punishment – the Dunce’s hat and the cane.  We learnt how everyone had to be right handed and how left handed children were taught to write with their other hand.  

We explored the local area and looked at how it had changed over time – using maps of the local area.  The children were fascinated to learn that Toftwood Social Club was the original local school. 

We also took part in a Physical Training session.  It was very different to our normal PE sessions and the children thought it was enjoyable – though they are pleased we have our PE lessons, not Victorian ones, twice a week! 

In Year 4, we learnt all about the history of our school. We started off by looking at what our school used to look like. We compared the similarities and differences between what our school looks like now and then. Additionally, we looked at different occupations available for people in 1873 and did some research based on a chosen occupation. In the afternoon, we looked at the PE exercises (Drill) that the children used to do. The children enjoyed being the teachers and giving different commands to the class.  We finished the day by playing some Victorian playground games.

In Year 5 we presented our work on a double page spread to show all the information we had learnt throughout the day. We were also able to handle the artefacts carefully. We used our inference skills to interpret facts from the data ie

“March 15th 1876 Sent to Mrs Land to obtain the ages of her children as I discovered that though in their school previously to my undertaking charge, their ages had not been entered in the Admission Register. Mrs Land in reply said, “she could not recollect nearer than the month, “ being unable to state the exact days on which they completed their 12th 10th and 7th years respectively.”

“April 25th 1876 Sent again for ages of children, which I had previously failed to procure. Their mother had promised to obtain them from the parish register.” We can infer that they might not have had calendars or celebrate birthdays on the exact day.

“July 10th 1877 Chain and padlock put on the pumps to prevent the waste of water.” We can infer that they had no inside taps.

Next we looked at extracts from the Parish records 1873 and we were amazed at the variety of occupations that were in Dereham at the time eg. Hawker, Umbrella Maker, Glove Maker, Horse Dealer and Tailer etc.

The children were also amused and shocked when looking at the punishments that were given and for offences such as singing on their way out of school. We also tried some of the Drill exercises.

Year 6 had a fantastic history day. They really enjoyed learning about the history of our school and local area. We explored physical activity drills, punishments, occupations and illnesses. They then completed a double page spread with all of the information they had learned.

History Summer Term 2024


In the summer term, Reception children visited Gressenhall Farm and Workhouse for a fairy tale event. Part of the day involved helping the ugly sister and Cinderella with jobs around the house and gardens. Jobs included pumping water from the well to water the plants, washing clothes using the wash board and washing dolly, and milking the pretend cow. During the tractor ride, the children saw the Suffolk punch horses. This sparked a conversation about working horses and their role before tractors were used. “Those are big horses, they pulled wagons a long time ago,” said Erin.

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Year one

The topic ‘Step back in time’ is studied in the second half of the summer term. Work includes making comparisons between our school and Victorian schools. Children also visit Holkham Hall (see year group, year one tab for write up).

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D-Day Celebrations

Toftwood Federation held assemblies to commemorate D-Day. Key stage one children found out about the history surrounding D-Day and the background of the second world war. They discussed the term ‘allies’. Children were particularly interested to find out about the landing on the beach in Normandy. Here are some quotes from year two children. Mia – “I think it was interesting that it started with an invasion on Poland because my family is from Poland.” Arthur – “I thought it was interesting that they came onto the beaches by parachute.” At lunchtime, the kitchen staff prepared aeroplane shaped biscuits for the children to enjoy.

Year 5 in spring 2 have been learning about the Mayans

Year 5 in spring 2 have been learning about the Mayans. To begin the topic, we read about famous Mayan civilisation artefacts. We looked at a picture of an artefact and made a prediction for what it was. We then discovered what is really was and discussed how close our predictions were. In the following lesson we then learnt about what daily life was like for the Mayans. We looked at the differences for workers and nobles as well as what the Mayans ate, what clothes they wore and what entertainment they had. Year 5 then found out about Mayan inventions and how they still affect our lives today. We have also investigated Mayan religion and why their Gods were important to them as well as identifying important Mayan places and facts.

History Spring 2024


Reception children talk about their past experiences, including days out with their family and special times such as birthdays. They find out about the past and how life has changed from a variety of sources, including photographs, objects and stories.

Classes looked at castles and found out they were usually made of stone, placed on a high hill and sometimes had a moat with a drawbridge. They also learnt about Norwich castle. Following on from these carpet sessions, some children played with the catle small world play and created their own castles using construction in the classroom.

Year One

Year one studied the topic of ‘Our Planet and Beyond.’ The children learnt about the history of space travel including learning about the race to space and the astronauts Neil Armstrong, Yuri Gagarin. The children thought of questions they would like to ask an astronaut. They have been introduced to time lines for the events of space travel.

Year Two

During the topic of ‘Air, Land and Sea’ the children have learnt about Lord Admiral Nelson. They found out about important dates in his life and could use prior knowledge of how a timeline works to create their own timeline for Lord Admiral Nelson. Some of the children were able to expand on the information and wrote additional facts for each date.

Autumn 2023


Reception children undertook activities linked to bonfire night at the beginning of November. Activities included discussing experiences of bonfire night, watching videos of the celebration, finding out about firework safety, and creating firework pictures.

During independent learning time, reception children have had the opportunity to find out about dinosaurs and explore the dinosaur bones.

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Whilst playing with the small world play castle, some children were intrigued to learn about real castles.

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Reception children learnt about Remembrance Day. They made their own poppies in class and had a class assembly where they observed a two minute silence. They watched a CBeebies video called ‘poppies’ which is a lovely video showing how the poppies grew in the field after all the grass had turned to mud.

Year 1

Year one children found out about extinct animals and also those that are endangered. They made a timeline to show when the animals became extinct.

Year 2

Norwich’s Past

Year 2 children have learnt about life in Norwich in the past. They studied the cathedral and castle in Norwich. Lessons included looking at artefacts relating to Norwich’s past, comparing old and new landmarks in Norwich, and finding out about castles and how they were defended.

See grid below to show understanding before and after the topic.

The children participated in a History Day- see special events tab for further details.

Year two also looked at the significant person William the Conqueror. They created a timeline for his life.

Night time

As part of our topic Night time the children have learnt about a significant person from the past, Guy Fawkes.  The children wrote about who Guy Fawkes was and why he is an important historical person.

They picked some items that Guy Fawkes might have used in 1605 and described how he would have used them. They then explained the difference between objects that Guy Fawkes could have used, compared with what he might have used today.

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day was marked in an assembly at the Junior School. The children learnt about Armistice Day on the 11th November 1918. At 11 o’clock on that day, nations who were fighting laid down their weapons and this signalled the end of the war (known then as the “Great War”). Today, we know it as the First World War. Armistice is an agreement for peace.

One year later, the first two-minute silence was held. King George V had asked the people of Britain to pause and remember all those who had fought and died in the service of their country.

In in 1920, King George unveiled the nation’s new war memorial called the Cenotaph, where people go to remember the fallen.

The children found out about the Royal British Legion and how it remembers the fallen by launching the Poppy Appeal, where members and volunteers sell millions of red paper poppies. In the weeks leading up to 11th November and on Remembrance Sunday, people are asked to wear a poppy as an act of remembrance.

The children listened respectfully and with interest.

On Wednesday 8th November, key stage one children were extremely lucky to be joined by the Mayor of Dereham. He talked to the children about why we wear poppies, the significance of the poppy and encouraged the children to join in with reciting a special passage to remember the soldiers who fought in the wars.

On the Friday the Infant School participated in class assemblies for Remembrance Day, including a two minute silence. Reception children also had the opportunity to make poppies.

Black History Month

Year 3 enjoyed watching a video and researching the life of Mary Seacole, who was born in Jamaica over 200 years ago. She broke social rules and prejudices to travel the world, run businesses and help those in need – even in the most dangerous places. She was best known for her work as a nurse in the Crimean War and is remembered as an incredible woman and inspiring role model. They used their findings to engage in a discussion and debate about her achievements.  In music, the children learned to sing a Ghanan folk song Tue Tue and to play it on the ocarina.

Year 4 have been ‘celebrating our sisters’ in relation to this year’s Black History month theme. We have learnt about Rosa Parks and Harriet Tubman and the part which they played in the Civil Rights Movement. We discussed the important of equality throughout our school and what we can do to ensure we treat everyone with respect. Finally, we created some beautiful art work to celebrate our differences. In music, the children learned a Rap celebrating Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

Year 5 have been finding out about Harriet Tubman and her “underground Railway” where she devoted her life to secretly freeing slaves. We designed panels for a patchwork quilt, which has symbols to represent messages like, get your wagon ready or take the mountain path to find a safe house. The symbols were used, partly to remain secretive, but also because the slaves could not read or write.

Year 6

To celebrate and recognise black history month in Year 6, we researched influential women that have contributed to different industries such as sport, science and medicine, politics, entertainment and broadcasting, literature arts and music. We presented the information that we found in a variety of ways such as: posters, storyboards and drawings. We discussed the theme of this year’s black history month and that this is an opportunity to for everyone to learn about significant Black and Mixed Heritage people and their contributions to Britain and worldwide. 

Black History Month

Over the last three weeks we have been celebrating Black History Month. Here are some of the activities that have taken place across the Federation.

Reception – In Reception we have been learning about some amazing people in our history. We enjoyed reading Mo Farah’s “Ready Steady Mo” and learning about his amazing achievements at the Olympics. We looked at some iconic music created by black artists and learned the sign for dancing when listening to Martha & The Vandellas “Dancing in the Streets”. We also had a go at dancing to Bob Marley’s classic hit ‘Three Little Birds’.

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Year 1 and year 2 started learning about Black History Month by discussing the importance of treating everyone equally during an assembly. We looked at our PATHS rule ‘Treat others the way you want to be treated’ and talked about the importance of British Values.

Year 1- We enjoyed dancing to Martha & The Vandellas “Dancing in the Streets” and Nina Simone’s “Young Gifted and Black”. We were inspired by the story of the Olympic athlete Mo Farah and enjoyed watching videos of his races. We also learnt about Daniel Hale Williams who was was an African-American surgeon who founded the first non-segregated hospital in the United States in 1891, as well as completing the first successful heart surgery.

Year 2 –In year 2, we have been learning about the lives of Martin Luther King Jr and Rosa Parks as part of our learning in black history month. The children have discussed how black people were treated in the past and how much it has changed thanks to the actions of people like Martin Luther King Jr and Rosa Parks. We also explored some modern day heroes like Mo Farah, Stevie Wonder and Stormzy.