Black History Month Tuesday 15th October 2024

Key Stage 2 met for an assembly of online music with Midé Naike.

Midé Naike talked about his Beat Box journey from the age of 16. He was originally from Nigeria, but now lives in Birmingham. In his group he has musicians from Italy, Jamaica etc who all bring their musical influences and genres to the mix. He explained that Beat Box is like the drums, creating a rhythm and he gave us a demonstration.

We joined in with a warm up of our faces and mouths, to make sure that we were ready to join in. We also practiced our breathing techniques, before we learnt some of the sounds and combined them. We were able to clap along to the rhythms which is an important skill.

Midé explained the role of a DJ and how they like to do “scratching” ie with the word “hello”. He had us pretending to bounce a word off a wall and back, in different voices. We also imitated various musical instruments with our voices, which the children thoroughly enjoyed and sounded quite impressive!

Year 3 Autumn 2024 Ancient Egyptian Day

On Monday 16th September, Year 3 had a visitor from Portals to the Past to develop our understanding of Ancient Egypt. The visitor brought many resources with him that enabled us to visualise and use some of the objects in the same way as the Egyptians!

Firstly, the whole year group had an introductory talk about Ancient Egyptians and their everyday life. We discovered how Lower and Upper Egypt were united and all about the demise of Cleopatra – the last Pharaoh and how the Romans conquered the territory. Afterwards, we had a number of activities (artefacts, quiz boards and an Ancient Egyptian game) that each group explored throughout the morning.

From the exploration of the artefacts, the children discovered how enormous the ear piercings were for Ancient Egyptians and the stone decorative studs that they wore, as well as the make-up palettes and the reason the Egyptians wore black make up under their eyes – Ancient Egyptian’s answer to sunglasses! The children were able to give plausible explanations about what they thought the objects were for by considering the clues given e.g. A make-up palette for mixing make up on, a small pot used to hold kohl, amulets and versions of alabaster pottery.

From the quiz boards, we learnt about everyday life; the pyramids and how Cleopatra’s relationships caused the demise of Egyptian rule. We applied the skill of researching from the information boards and learnt some facts about many things, including why Gods and Goddesses were so important, but no longer worshipped in the same way. The things we found out on the information boards and from our visitor helped the children to conclude that Cleopatra’s love stories played a significant part in the demise of the Egyptian rule. It was interesting for the children to consider how invasions from other cultures, such as the Persians and the Greeks, had an influence on their faith and that once the land became Roman led, the land became Christian, then later Muslim and Egyptians ceased to worship their old gods and goddesses. We also learnt about the influence of some of these invasions on the language used, such as the word “pyramis” which translates to “wheat cake” as the pyramids reminded them of the shape of their wheat cakes with a pointed top.

By playing the game ‘Hounds and Jackals’, the children brought alive the fun and excitement from the Ancient Egyptian period as this was a popular game, played in the poorest and the wealthiest households of the time.

The children were able to apply their historical understanding skills and discuss similarities to games developed and played today, like snakes and ladders! They were pleased and unhappy in turns about the snake and ladder on the board (the black curvy lines that you can see in the photo).

In the afternoon, we took part in and watched a role-played version of the life and death of a pharaoh, including his mummification! We watched the process that we had learnt and discussed the job roles of different people that were employed in the process. Watching this on a life size dummy allowed us to really visualise the process and consider the significance of this event in their culture on history.

Finally, we played a whole year-group game of Hounds Versus Jackals. The objective of which was to aim for the animals that would have been present in Ancient Egypt. Each animal had different points for their temperaments and importance in Ancient Egyptian life.

We so enjoyed seeing the children’s enthusiasm for learning and their joy at dressing up as Ancient Egyptians and archaeologists!

History Day

One of the threads that run through our Federation History Curriculum is “Sources” so we started the day with an assembly where the children were shown old school artefacts and they had to guess what they were. They found out about log books and how that the information that they used to day came from the original log book which was like a diary of events.

Year 3 really enjoyed the journey back in time to Victorian schooling! 

The children practised using cursive handwriting to form letters of the alphabet.  There was much hilarity and mirth at some of the letters, particularly – f, s, g, with the children insisting they could not find them on the board!  

Once the year group had honed their skills with the alphabet, some of them copied a well-used Victorian school phrase: 

Good, better, best, 
Never let it rest, 
Til your good is better, 
And your better, best. 

They also wrote their names using their best handwriting. 

The children learnt all about corporal punishment – the Dunce’s hat and the cane.  We learnt how everyone had to be right handed and how left handed children were taught to write with their other hand.  

We explored the local area and looked at how it had changed over time – using maps of the local area.  The children were fascinated to learn that Toftwood Social Club was the original local school. 

We also took part in a Physical Training session.  It was very different to our normal PE sessions and the children thought it was enjoyable – though they are pleased we have our PE lessons, not Victorian ones, twice a week! 

In Year 4, we learnt all about the history of our school. We started off by looking at what our school used to look like. We compared the similarities and differences between what our school looks like now and then. Additionally, we looked at different occupations available for people in 1873 and did some research based on a chosen occupation. In the afternoon, we looked at the PE exercises (Drill) that the children used to do. The children enjoyed being the teachers and giving different commands to the class.  We finished the day by playing some Victorian playground games.

In Year 5 we presented our work on a double page spread to show all the information we had learnt throughout the day. We were also able to handle the artefacts carefully. We used our inference skills to interpret facts from the data ie

“March 15th 1876 Sent to Mrs Land to obtain the ages of her children as I discovered that though in their school previously to my undertaking charge, their ages had not been entered in the Admission Register. Mrs Land in reply said, “she could not recollect nearer than the month, “ being unable to state the exact days on which they completed their 12th 10th and 7th years respectively.”

“April 25th 1876 Sent again for ages of children, which I had previously failed to procure. Their mother had promised to obtain them from the parish register.” We can infer that they might not have had calendars or celebrate birthdays on the exact day.

“July 10th 1877 Chain and padlock put on the pumps to prevent the waste of water.” We can infer that they had no inside taps.

Next we looked at extracts from the Parish records 1873 and we were amazed at the variety of occupations that were in Dereham at the time eg. Hawker, Umbrella Maker, Glove Maker, Horse Dealer and Tailer etc.

The children were also amused and shocked when looking at the punishments that were given and for offences such as singing on their way out of school. We also tried some of the Drill exercises.

Year 6 had a fantastic history day. They really enjoyed learning about the history of our school and local area. We explored physical activity drills, punishments, occupations and illnesses. They then completed a double page spread with all of the information they had learned.

KS2 MFL Summer 2024

This term, the children in Year 3 have had the opportunity to revisit and consolidate the Spanish topics they have learned this year. It is great to see how much more confident they are to hold simple conversations with one another and how their pronunciation has improved.  

Year 4 have been learning how to talk about their pets in Spanish this term.

They have learned various vocabulary for the different animals they might have at home

Perro, Gato, Ratón, Hámster, Conejo, Conejillo de Indias, Pez, Pájaro and Tortuga (can you guess what any mean?) and looked carefully at how words change when talking about more than one of each.

In Year 5, children have been planning a trip to a Spanish speaking country. They have researched the different places where Spanish is spoken as the primary language, and the different cultures of these. They have thought of useful phrases to have as a visitor and learned to discuss different nationalities.

The children in Year 6 have consolidated their knowledge of one of our autumn term units – ‘en mi pueblo’ (in my town). They produced a knowledge organiser to display the key phrases and vocabulary learnt. The children enjoyed decorating their knowledge organisers once they had recorded the key information.

KS2 Music Summer 2024

In Music, children have continued to increase their ukulele skills. We’ve now reached the trickiest part where they have to quickly move several fingers in a single beat to change chords in a song. We are really impressed with the perseverance that all children are showing and Mr Hardy is hoping some of them will be joining his Ukulele Club next year.

Year 4 have had a new unit of work in Music for the Summer Term exploring rhythm with Body Percussion, Junk and Bucket Drumming. Children learned how to make different rhythmic patterns using cups, explored the range of percussive sounds made with the body (clicking, clapping, tapping, stamping, chest pats etc) to produce different grooves and then moved on to bucket drumming. Children have learned to read rhythm notation and the difference time signatures make. Children played different rhythms in 3 parts with changing dynamics. Really great fun!

In Year 5 we asked, ‘How Does Music Connect Us with the Environment?’. This Social Question evolved as the children moved through the scheme, encouraging them to be responsible and kind citizens of the world using carefully chosen songs. Children then created their own fun and confident performances.

This term Year 6 have been working on adding musical accompaniments to familiar songs using glockenspiels and recorders. The children learnt to play simple tunes to play along to the song “A La Bamba”. They also learnt to sing the song in Spanish.

The second half of the term was spent learning songs to our end of year performance “I’m a celebrity, Get me out of here!”.The children learnt to sing a variety of songs from mock pop and rock, and raps, to a French style accordion accompanied ballad. Some children sang in small groups and we even had some soloists. 

In addition, each class in Years 3, 4 and 5 has been practicing performing a song for our annual Toftovision Song Contest – I think this might be the most competitive year so far!

Students who have been having lessons with RockSteady put on a brilliant end of term concert and Ukulele Club ended the year with a fantastic performance of Stick Season and 500 miles in the Leavers Assembly.

It was a real joy for Ukulele Club to play for Millie (who was here doing work experience) but was a dedicated member of the club when she was at Toftwood!

Computing Spring 2024

Year 3

In Computing, Year 3 have continued to consolidate their prior knowledge of Scratch and how it is used, and further developing this. This has involved adding more than one character to their game and including a variety of motions, operated by a number of keys on the laptop rather than by just a click as practised in Spring 1, in order to have more than one character at once. The children have greatly enjoyed their learning in Scratch, and have learned a range of skills which will benefit them as they move into their next year group.

Year 4

This term in year 4 we have been learning how to edit pictures and understand the term copyright. They have using an online software called The children have been writing Myth and Legend stories in English and have designed front covers for their stories by using their newly learnt picture editing skills. They have really enjoyed learning how to layer pictures on top of each other and learning how to use filters to change the mood of their picture.

Year 5

This term, Year 5 have been focusing on coding as well as using data bases. When coding, we used Scratch to make a questionnaire. The children worked with their partners to use condition and selection. When using databases, the children were able to filter data numerically, as well as alphabetically, and to search databases using specific criteria about mini beasts and dinosaurs. The children were able to explain that computer databases were much easier to sort as opposed to paper data bases.

Year 6

Year 6 have been working on Spreadsheets this term. We used MS Excel to input data, write formulas and duplicate the formula across to fill in cells. We have also used the data and formulas to complete different input and outputs from this, including finding the sum and average of given details.

We also explored online profiles and online relationships, discussing what was safe to share, why people might share online and the feelings that might be resultant of sharing for different purposes.

Battle of the Bookworms

On Monday 20th of May some children from years 5 and 6 participated in Battle of the Bookworms at Northgate High School. We sent two teams: Toftwood 1 which had Macey from GB6, Abigail GG6, William EW5, and Heather KH6 ; the other team from our school was Toftwood 2. This team had Ellie KH6, Orson GB6, Lily GB6 and Reeva RL5. There were also teams from 4 other schools.

The Battle of the Bookworms is a reading competition. There were 5 categories, each with 6 questions. We won a point for each questions we got correct, and the team with the most points at the end won. The teams from our school did amazingly well – Toftwood 2 came 3rd place and toftwood 1 came 1st place! The winners of the competition will get their school name engraved on the trophy.

“I love reading, so this was so much fun to participate in” Abigail GG6.

Geography Junior Summer 2024

This half-term in Geography, Year 3 have started their unit on Volcanoes. We have learned about the many different types of volcanoes (including composite, shield and dome volcanoes) and how they can be active, dormant or extinct depending on their likelihood and recency of eruption. The children have been applying their knowledge by completing tasks such as identifying the parts of a volcano and even locating where famous volcanoes in the world are. It has certainly been a unit where the children have been very enthusiastic! The children have also enjoyed linking our Geography work with our Summer unit Guided Reading text, ‘When Disaster Strikes: Extreme Volcanoes’, and look forward to continuing to learn about volcanoes next half-term.

In Year 4, we have been focusing on map-work skills. We have learned about the equator, lines of latitude, longitude and the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. We have also looked at how the climate varies when you live within the tropics and the children even produced a weather report for a location in the tropics! We have also been learning to read four- and six-figure grid references and also to label the same features on an aerial photograph as on a map.

Year 5 started out by studying the history of the Norfolk Broads and we were interested and surprised to find out that they were actually man–made in the Medieval times by people cutting out peat for fuel. They then filled with water when sea levels rose and became navigable waterways where wherries would transport goods. The children also learnt about eutrophication and the positive and negative impacts of tourism and ways to resolve problems. They understand how man contributed to the making of the Broads and how man was now adding to its destruction. The children were keen to learn rich vocabulary associated with this topic.

Art Summer 1 2024

Year 3

We have focussed on the artist Jeannie Baker and the text ‘The Window’ as an inspiration for our artwork. Using mixed media we created a Jeannie Baker inspired collage of a view from a window.

The children have used their knowledge of blending paints to create different shades and tones to replicate sky and grassland as a background and then used a variety of materials for collaging for texture. Once they were happy with their backgrounds, they gathered natural resources from the school grounds to recreate their window scenes. They thought carefully about placing natural resource on their collages.

Year 4

This half term, we have learnt about Claude Monet and have used his paintings to inspire a watercolour creation of water lilies. We have created a fact file of Claude Monet and have experimented with blending paints, using sponges and brushes to create a piece of art based on the impressionist’s famous paintings.

We have also explored the sculptures of Alberto Giacometti. We have used mixed media to create the sculptures. We used foil to produce the shapes we wanted, then applied masking tape to it. Finally we very carefully added clay to create our sculptures, these range from animals to peoples in different poses.

Year 5

This half term, we have created collages inspired by our Geography topic of Norfolk landscapes. We have focussed on the perspective of fore and back ground and the effected of using mixed medias.

Year 6

This half term we have observational bird drawings. We used our sketching techniques of contour, cross, random and hatching as well as stippling to complete a series of observational drawings. After each drawing, we evaluated our art work and annotated the areas we felt we could improve and the things that we liked.

Art Spring Term 2024

Year 3 Spring Term

In Year 3 we have been looking at our focus artist Georgia O’ Keeffe, a 20th century artist who experimented with bold colours and different techniques when creating her beautiful pieces. In particular, we have carefully studied O’ Keeffe’s close-up paintings of flowers. The children have worked hard to emulate O’ Keeffe’s techniques by first creating a viewfinder which they used to pick a section of their flower to sketch, and then sketching two of these into their books. After evaluating which one they liked best and why, the children then sketched the outline of their flower at a larger scale, ready to be completed using our chosen medium of oil pastels. Once they had explored a number of techniques, such as sgraffito and dry blending, Year 3 then meticulously filled in their sketch using oil pastels to replicate the shades and tints of their flowers.

Year 4 Spring Term

In Art, the children learned about Islamic patterns. The children researched different elements of Islamic art such as calligraphy, geometric patterns, vegetal (relating to plants) and repetition of patterns. They particularly enjoyed discovering that most Islamic art will have a small deliberate mistake to show that nobody is perfect! After creating their final design, the children then made a printing tile out of string, card and other found items and used it to print a repeating pattern into their books. We have all enjoyed this topic as we have been able to use a range of different mediums such as pencil, string, cardboard and paint! The final task involved evaluating their work by recognising what worked well, what could be improved next time and what they had learned throughout the project.

Year 6 Spring Term

In Year 6 we have developed our collage skills by creating our own North American landscapes in the style of American photographer, Ansel Adams. We used only black, white and grey paper to create our collages based on some of the scenes that Adams captured. To develop our skills further we used paint to create a mixed media piece of art.