A Day of Welcome – Year 5

This year, we celebrated A Day of Welcome, which was on Friday 16th June. In English, the Year 5 children created some visual poetry. The children had to come up with their own poetic sentences to say how we would support and welcome someone who is seeking sanctuary. They then had to illustrate their sentence. The children loved completing this activity and we were so proud of their final product!

In addition to our poetry, we started reading When Stars are Scattered, which is a graphic novel. The book is about two young brothers who are living in a refugee camp having fled the war in Somalia. They have been separated from their mother and in the story, you see them grow up in the camp as they wait, with desperate hope, to be selected by the United Nations for re-settlement in North America. The children considered how Omar and Hassan (the brothers) would have felt living in a refugee camp. The children have absolutely loved listening to it! We were then fortunate enough to join a zoom call with Omar and Victoria, who published When Stars are Scattered. They both spoke to the children about raising awareness for refugees and how we should always welcome people into our schools.